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Any word on Terraclips?


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*Sneaks up behind her swinging around the gun, and hits her up side the head with a frying pan* Stupid Neverborn! I'm not the crazy one... Oh look at the cute teddy bear *Picks the teddy off the floor and rips its head off and throws it down next to the unconscious girl*

Now that that is threw with, I really hope we don't have to wait for to much longer for the terrain...

Ha! im never unconscious. *eats him*

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Oh come ON Sketch! It's not like you haven't misspelled anything either. (Though I'll admit it's not usually in the public eye)

And I do recall several grammatical errors on your part too. :D

(And before anyone bust me on the fact, I'm horribly guilty of it too! Auto spell check is my friend and makes it look like I can spell much better then I do...)

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*giggles!* you fail to understand, i eat candy allllll the time, so you throwing some on the floor doesnt have much effect. *chases Genetic, then turns into shadow, before appearing in front of him and saying "BOO!"*

But don't you have a compulsion to stop and count the number of gummy bears, like Chinese hopping Vampires have to do with sticky rice.

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