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Masters Box-extraneous NEEDS.


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Personaly i would find the best way to define need for these starters would simply be is another model listed on the abilities that come in the set. Need simply being in order to use all the actions on the models you have you must have some thing to use for it even if that is a proxy.

For example

Zorada makes vodoo doll. To use her full card you have to need one.

Nico for example I would say You need mindless zombies and some model to summon that happens to be non unique undead.

Everything beyond that IMHO would be a just be a good idea to have.

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Personaly i would find the best way to define need for these starters would simply be is another model listed on the abilities that come in the set. Need simply being in order to use all the actions on the models you have you must have some thing to use for it even if that is a proxy.

For example

Zorada makes vodoo doll. To use her full card you have to need one.

Nico for example I would say You need mindless zombies and some model to summon that happens to be non unique undead.

Everything beyond that IMHO would be a just be a good idea to have.

Not always the case The Dreamer set has Coppelius that can summon alps, but I don't think it's particularly necessary to have them as he has SO many other things to do with eye counters.

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I agree he has options but to use the all the starting sets abilitys you need them. My thought is what do you need to actualy use the models full ability. It has nothing do do with whats the best option just can you fully use the model you have with its listed options.

Agreed, I think that original question is what boxes should I avoid if I am only going with the box set.

Nico is an obvious answer as he would not be able to really make full use of his abilities. Oh look at all these cool things I could do if only I had the models is not really a good way to get someone into the game.

McM is in the middle as the dogs would kind of be nice for both him and Seb to have, but you could get away with just the flesh constructs. We all agree two nurses is not in any way ideal, but you could realistically play with the box set without the fun being overly diminished.

Seamus is the winner on the other end of the spectrum. His box set is perfectly good to play with right out of the box. Belle will probably die by the time it takes to get a corpse counter to summon another and anything else he could take is just extra.

Marcus, any Guild, Rasputina, Seamus, Von Shil, and Pandora (although with the new rules three woes is a lot) are all good right out of the box, so they all make good starting points or demo crews.

Nico needs too much to even consider, McM could use a few dogs, Karari needs a lot, Zoridia needs a voodoo doll (Mature Neph is better then Juju, but Juju is playable) Ramos needs electric creations, Lilith needs a box of Young, Collette needs doves, Viks are playable but should have Ronin, Dreamer needs a lot, Levi needs a waif and could use a desolate engine but you could probably get by with just the box.

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