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Tiny's Trip around Malifaux


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok im still alive. And year of the crow is still going strong. Here's what i've finished in teh past week:



I'm happy with how nico came out, his vulture i think looks ok, just hard to get his vulture and him in focus.

Next up will be a demonkin rogue from super dungeon explore then probably............ a rogue necromancy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for hte comments guys, exactly what i need at the moment, struggling for motivation.

Im in a bit of a painting slump at the moment. Every time i have a deadline with painting I struggle. I was trying to paint all the ressers before cancon, i'll settle with nico/kirai at this point.

Here's whats up next:


had a hell of a time coming up with a colour scheme for him.

Here's the base he's going on (seriously love graveyard bases!)


And some WIP bases for my 2 flesh constructs, only finished the stone.


Thanks for looking.

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I like the color contrast as it is, I'd skip the stripes as the highlights look pretty nice in the picture and experience tells me that usually means that they're nicer in real life. Looks very nice, thanks for sharing.

Aside:, I notice the paint on your thumb, like myself do you happen to sometimes wipe excess paint from your brush on your fingers? Just curious if I'm that odd. :)

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  • 5 months later...

@nickienogger, Have to do the evil willy wonker justice!

@ mofo, definitely prefer the original sculpt to the alternate, there is so much more character in this one!

Thanks heaps for the kind words guys! It really keeps me painting, I knocked this one out without even really trying today. Was surprised how fast it came together. Again terrible phone photo. Apologies.


Next up is the copy cat killer should be done tonight or tomorrow. Any comments/criticisms?

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Another day another model finished painting:


I promise he looks much better in person, seems i have to learn how to take photos again.

Here's a better one of the nurse:


Also we have a better one of seamus:


And of course the obligatory family portrait:


Next up is the alternate bette sculpt (which im blown away with how fantastic it is). Again my photography skills are lacking and they look much better in person but what can you do.

Should have bette done by sunday night.

Any comments or criticisms hit me!

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