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Playing with more than 2 players


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Me and my game group are new to Malifaux but really like it. We have 3 sometimes 4 players and play skirmish games like Confrontation 3.5 or Dark Age. With Confrontation, it is pretty easy to play with more than 2 people on a large game table. There aren't any rules or issues that come up because we are playing with more than 2 persons.

Though we are just starting out, Malifaux feels like it is only geared toward 2 persons at a time. I realize that it IS for 2 persons, but thought maybe others out ther have had more experience on how to make Malifaux more playable with multiple players.

Perhaps the creators could comment on this or perhaps they have rules for this in the works?

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Well to me alot of the rules seems to be written with games of more than two players in mind.

There's a few things that you'll have to make up yourself, such as starting locations and maybe strategies.

But it shouldn't really be much of a problem.

Compared to 40k where any sort of close combat just gets exponentially more dangerous the more players there is it works out neatly.

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I've yet to play with more than 2 people (having a hard time getting all my friends together at once) but I have seen some good ideas for setting up multiplayer games.

The best I've seen is to have everyone pick their strategies and make that against the player to their left, and then when picking schemes it's always against the player to their right.

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we play 3way battles often, works for us

allying with on of them so you can stab em in the back later is ver malifaux i think :D

some strategies en schemes dont realy work in 3 way battles thats true, maybe in the future there will be 3way battle stratagies etc?

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We've been doing multiplayer a lot and it has been a blast. You need to be careful with scenarios or it quickly becomes two solo matches. What we like to do is one shared scenario, two teams, or two shared scenarios with those sharing being diagonal from each other to foster cross interaction.

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We have been just playing with out a scenario or stratagy so far. Mostly just 'deathmatch' or 'kill the master'. We are going to be trying out the scenarios out next game. It would be nice if they came up with specific scenarios just for more than 2 players.

I do like the idea Svenn had about Scenarios to the right and Strategy to the left.

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