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Great to see someone else using white undercoat.

I also recently switched from priming my minis black to a white primer and have been very happy with the results. Tends to make the colors on my models pop more then with the black undercoat.

Munkey, what did you use for the snow on the Rasputina crew? It looks pretty good.

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  • 3 months later...

Oi Seamus, come here a sec son. See this thread here, yeah this one. Raise this little beauty from the dead.......


So a manic few months working stupid hours and a 40k army to paint that finished a little behind schedule and this thing is risen from the grave. Below are a few pictures to wet your appetite :D

The finally completed Blood Angels




Blood Angels Smashing Grey Knight Henchmen




Back to Malifaux, ready to be constructed


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So some of the Ramos stuff is assembled - Soulstone Miner, Brass Arachnid, Ramos. But I can safely say this. DAMN YOU LARGE ARACHNID I HATE YOU TO THE CORE.

I thought the Guardian was a pain to put together but no this thing trumps it by a long shot. Will get a photo of the progress but its painstaking as every one of the fiddly small limbs has to be pinned to the body!!! :(

Anyway I have a few more 40k things to paint for my gaming clubs tournament coming up and we get a chance to play different units and forgeworld toys so I figured I would play around with some death company and a Contemptor pattern dreadnought :D

Chaplain with converted hand flamer, Death Company, Razorback, corbulo


So I am still awaiting the custom heavy flamer for the top of the razorback and then I can get painting. But everything is black so easy...... right.

And onto the juicy stuff the contemptor. This model is just beautiful I may have to invest in several more and replace the current stock of models.

A quick blue tack pose and I think it is there. It will be armed with claws and the right arm will be positioned so that the claws are clenched with one extended pointing.



What do people think of the pose???

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