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Question on Peacekeeper


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I had noticed that the Peacekeeper had a 1 AP ability/spell that if successful he could move 4" towards the target.

My Question, why would you bother, you could just spend that 1 AP on Walking 5" with no risk of failing (cast flip, and resistance check)?

If you wanted to flip cards and risk failing wouldn't you just use the Harpoon instead?

I know there are ability's that would prevent moving, but then since the ability allows you Walk (which is a move) would it not prevent this as well? The only thing I could think of is if it Pushed you instead.

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I had noticed that the Peacekeeper had a 1 AP ability/spell that if successful he could move 4" towards the target.

My Question, why would you bother, you could just spend that 1 AP on Walking 5" with no risk of failing (cast flip, and resistance check)?

If you wanted to flip cards and risk failing wouldn't you just use the Harpoon instead?

I know there are ability's that would prevent moving, but then since the ability allows you Walk (which is a move) would it not prevent this as well? The only thing I could think of is if it Pushed you instead.

I am confused, I do not think that you read it correctly.

It prevents your opponent, the target, from moving during it's normal activation. That includes charges, pushes, fall backs, jumps......that is huge!

Now the question is: when you cast that spell do you take movement penalties when moving through difficult terrain?

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Yes, Arachnid does not ignore it. I believe Arachnid uses your Cg to move through it as well as up hills.

Scout is the one that lets you ignore movement penalties.

Shambling does too but I think that's just one model.

Now I just read over the Arachnid rule again and noticed that it says that you ignore severe terrain movement penalties and climbs using its Cg instead of its Wk.

So does that mean that you use your Cg stats ONLY when you are climbing or am I reading too much into it?

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