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My Carver for halloween


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He looks a little too bulky in the abdominal region... Does your Carver have a fondness for a beer with his kids?

That aside, I do offer you kudos. This is an intimidatng sculpt to tackle and you did pretty well! ^_^

To replicate the concept art, I'd offer this critique:

The head of your Carver looks to be set too high. The concept shows the head a little lower, giving it a more imposing stance as though he needs to look down upon you just to see you.

The arm holding the knife is not poised in a position in which he could strike with it very well at all. The looks to be extended almost completely which is not good for swinging.

The other arm is looks too casual, I think. The concept art portrays that arm still tightly bound, perpendicular to the body, to the cross to which the Carver was fixed to as a scarecrow.

And finally, the rope around his waist is just too thick.

Now please, don't hate me. As I said, this tackles the idea of the Carver well. The broad shoulders and brick-like body, along with that creep smile are all stong positives to this piece! And I do so enjoy the hay.

I am anxious to see this get painted.

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I like him. I know that the other comments point out a few improvements, but when you are working with bits it's very hard to find an arm that is in proper proportion to the torso, and to sculpt the bibbed overalls and the head onto it was a great feat. He looks great.

The one comment that I definitely agree on is the rope belt. A thinner sisal or hemp rope might make it a bit more proportioned.

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