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Hello all,

I'm mike and I decided to check out Malifaux finally about two weeks ago. When I was at Gen Con I thought I wanted to pick up the Ophelia box to get started unfrtunately I got wrapped up in other things.

Two weeks ago a friend of mine offered me his rulebook, lady justice box his Arcanist crew built around Rasputina and his two fate decks. Last week I picked up the Ophelia box, the Colette box and a few other pieces I wanted.

I got to play a demo game using the Opehelia box against the victoria box sunday.

Do you have any advice for an old time minis gamers new to Malifaux?



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Hello all,

I'm mike and I decided to check out Malifaux finally about two weeks ago. When I was at Gen Con I thought I wanted to pick up the Ophelia box to get started unfrtunately I got wrapped up in other things.

Two weeks ago a friend of mine offered me his rulebook, lady justice box his Arcanist crew built around Rasputina and his two fate decks. Last week I picked up the Ophelia box, the Colette box and a few other pieces I wanted.

I got to play a demo game using the Opehelia box against the victoria box sunday.

Do you have any advice for an old time minis gamers new to Malifaux?




(I'm Bowen, btw...)

Awesome to have you on board and interested. You know how to reach me and I'll talk your ear off on this stuff. Don't forget to tug 'Dox's ear on Ophelia - they play pretty close to the Perdita Ortega crew and he knows them well enough.

Who's the friend up there playing?

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My other friend who showed me how to play is David Jencks he has the Victorias and Sonnia Criid boxes.

Then there are three or four other guys who play and have stuff. Just nothing organized going on.

I have been reading the books like crazy and I almost have Ophelia completely painted.

Maverickman, there are days up here lately I have been wondering if I've been playing with myself... WAIT! nevermind..

I've been working tons lately and the guys don't hang at the store much on sunday to play minis.

Bowen, I lost your phone number when my old Cell tanked.

It's great to hear from you and I'd love to talk your ear off.

I am diggin the game, the story and the models... I'm really trying to resist picking up Seamus...

Dave I'm sorry I couldnt make your event last weekend. I didn't know about it until saturday after it was already rolling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome! sounds like you are in good hands for help getting up to speed in Malifaux, Dave is about as good as it comes! So I'll just say it's great to hear the game caught your interest, and of course we're happy to have you on the boards as well. I hope you enjoy your time here! :)

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