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Is it me or are the neverborn models totally sweet and adorable?! Im starting to become obsessed. My teddy figure comes with me everywhere.

Ive only been playing malifaux for about two weeks and ive already got four box sets and a few teddies. I love them! Even though one of the sets is the Colette box and the other is the Kirai. Even though they are fabulous models, the Neverborn are by are the best in my eyes. :D

What does everyone else think??

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Is it me or are the neverborn models totally sweet and adorable?! Im starting to become obsessed. My teddy figure comes with me everywhere.

Ive only been playing malifaux for about two weeks and ive already got four box sets and a few teddies. I love them! Even though one of the sets is the Colette box and the other is the Kirai. Even though they are fabulous models, the Neverborn are by are the best in my eyes. :D

What does everyone else think??

/agree I love the Neverborn for their models, fluff, abilities, personality, everything. They have that oh so perfect creepy feel to them and many of them are just plain monsters (looking at you LCB). I love it =)

I actually got hooked on Malifaux and Neverborn by Pandora and her woes, Kade and Candy in particular. I thought to myself, "Well, if your going to get into this... you may as well go for the creapiest thing you can find." =D

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I went a little psycho with the Neverborn too. I have all the Masters box sets including LCB Nightmare and only have Zoraida box set to paint. I too have 3 Teddies and Perdita, Kirai (who I will trade for McMourning) and Colette. I love this game.

I hope my pre-order of the Lelu, Lilitu and Hooded Rider come soon. Tournies on the 24th and 31st and the rider will charge into battle even if I have to stay up for 2 days to paint him.


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If you want help on Pandora or the Dreamer, I have some rather long, involved, and very deep drilling Tatica's I wrote on both. There is a post up on the Neverborn section with details. If you PM me with your email before this evening, Ill add you to the latest distribution burst Im sending out tonight.

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Well! Havent i missed out on here?!? In response to Karn! GIMME!!, Marcusi, you have more idea than i do sugar, any tips would be greatly appreciated, and Vash Axis, damn i love your enthusiasm. I have next week off and im going to try and finish painting my models. Have placed my order for all thats neverborn ove the next 4 months with my local club/shop. Its like christmas everyday with Malifaux for me!


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I was drawn in to the game by the wonderful comedic anarchy that are the Gremlins, but the fluff of the Neverborn took no time at all to draw me away from that path. Totally.

I have always been a fan of the surreal & the not quite normal, and the Neverborn are that in spades. So I ordered my Zoraida & Lilith crews today, with the Dreamer & Pandora crews to come once the painting & conversions are done.

I now can't see myself doing non-Neverborn any time soon (but I say that fully aware that the temptations of this game are many & monumental).

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