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Nephilim Proxies


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So, imho the Lelu model is bad enough as to be a non-option. Lilitu looks nice enough but I'll probably want 2 (preferably different) models of her and no sign of the Nekima or BBS models as of yet.

So... here are my ideas for models I'm considering as replacements/proxies for the models in question. Posted here so as to share them with others that could use them, and to lure out any other/better suggestions.



(genderswapped thanks to a file and some greenstuff... or not)







Black Blood Shaman:


(Either one of the above, but the middle one is probably best)


(needs a mask)

(going to keep looking around and add others as I find them. Please add your own suggestions)

Edited by Klitte
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I very much like your 2nd Nekima Choice, she is on my list of next purchases for this exact reason.

Whilst I like the miniatures you have listed for Lelu/Lilitu I can't reconcile them having wings. Have quite struggled finding anything suitable for Lelu.

Where is your 2nd BBS choice from?

I believe its a warmachine model

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Whilst I like the miniatures you have listed for Lelu/Lilitu I can't reconcile them having wings. Have quite struggled finding anything suitable for Lelu.

I see what you mean, but unless my Rising Power is misprinted one has Flight while the other has Float.

I have a hard time reconciling them NOT having wings. At least for Lelu (Flight), Lilitu gets more of a pass from me.

And yeah, Lelu is a bitch to find models for. It's like whenever a sculptor opts to make a hot, half-naked demon model, they always make it female...

Where is your 2nd BBS choice from?

It's a Satyxis something or other (Blood Hag, I believe). A Unit attachment for a Cryx unit in Warmachine.

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Another possibility for a Lilitu model:


I'm thinking about getting this model and divorcing it from her altar base (they are seperate pieces, so that's about as easy as it gets).

Now all I need is a wretched, gimpish, human model, bowed down in deference, to serve as her living chair. Any suggestions?

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@Klitte The model is also available without the alter (though you probably want the alter for something else). I think Gen is from Hasslefree Miniatures. You may be able to find a closer distributer somewhere. They also have a model of Oberon which may work well as a Lelu if you greenstuff some cloths down there. Unfortunately the models are listed as 40mm so they may be a little large compared to Malifaux stuff.

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Thanks for the info nibbles.

Actually those pics are listed from the website of my FLGS who has the model in stock (they carry a wide variety).

As for the altar, they have the model w. altar in stock, but not the one without. And the alter is bound to come in handy at some point

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