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Some thing of note on the new Levi version 3 card.

Minor change but pariah now says the start of game waif must be placed in to base contact. This will slow his foward momentum a little bit in the second turn summons.

This might be passed on to the v2 waif card as well. but wont know on that one untill it sees the light of day. Wonder how that will play out as they have the original same issue as levi with do they have slow due to summon the prior turn? sounds like some thing they would step in and look in to but not sure.

Edited by tadaka
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i have the v2 cards for the cridd box set

(changes from the book, ignore spelling errors)


Disassemble: Says runed blade instead of runed sword and only models with use soul stones may discard the soulstones

reflect magic: use the difference in casting and resist totals if a diffrence is required

Inferno: is a 3 pulse instead of withen 3 inches

flame burst: has the ranged symbol

flame wall: is once per actavation instead of once per turn

Violation of magic: says summon to the target instead of within 6"(i dont know if that really changes anything)


rapid fire: added [colt .45]

snare: changed any of its moves or pushes must end touching the marker to it can not be moved out of base contact with the marker


reflect magic:changed to match cridds above

dispel magic: changed to discarded 1 counter or end 1 effect on target model. wounds on the model or counters carried by the model cannot be discarded.

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Does this change make any mention of now being terrain?

let me type the whole thing out

place two 50mm markers touching one another at least 1" from any model. these markers are obscuring ht5, hazardous (dg 3). this spell may only be cast once per activation and lasts untill the end close phase.

it doesn't flat say it but there now obscuring and hazardous

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