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Observations on Colette


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What lists are you guys running, I feel your really overcomplicating one of the most powerful masters in the game. I've destroyed mcmourning in a few games now.

don't get fancy and hire mercs, she works best with her box set + the duet.

I run:





That's enough to grab some extra SS (OR I run two performers for exactly 35ss). I just don't see how they do well against melee heavy lists, especially Lillith, who's absolutely terrifying, and is VERY capable of smacking a duet around in a single turn of combat. Not to mention that Mature Nephs, with paired claws, and HUGE move/melee ranges make sword dancing to freedom difficult.

Against some of the other middle of the road lists ( I forsee a colette vs y rasputina crew being..interesting) I feel she's very competitive, but against something that just hammers your models, I don't see her being able to do much.


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Well, for instance, I played a game against Lillith just this past week. I managed to bury Nekima with Disappearing Act (didn't get the Mannequin trigger, unforunately) before she could activate during the main round of combat. However, it didn't end up being enough. I did kill Lillith, but when Nekima came back on the board the next round, she tore me up. Lillith also wiped out both the Cory Duet AND Cassandra in the process of taking her down. AND we were playin in the Theater, and I had a Pool of Aether under Colette half the game, so she was getting 2 'free' soul stones per turn, instead of just one. Honestly, the Black Blood probably hurt me about as much as anything, because taking damage from 2-3 Black Bloods means that the pieces are in range to be killed with 1 hit from Lillith, Nekima, or a Mature.

My crew for that game was:



Cory Duet

Perf + Mannequin

Arcanist Gunsmith

In hind sight, my Strategy and Schemes in that game had absolutely nothing to do with trying to kill Lillith and her crew, but I went into a semi-defensive mode about half way through the game, thinking I needed to kill everything, rather than just continuing to run around the board and collect my objectives. I ended up losing the game 4-6, and I very easily could've won if I had approached things just a little differently.

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Well I guess everyone with Colette played Lilith this weekend. Wow that was a tough fight for me at 35ss. I took my normal list of Cassy, Corphy, 1 performer and 2 doves. It was with someone who had not played for awhile so we just went 1 scheme.

I had Claim jump which vs Lilith was one of the worst strategies because he knows where I have to be. He had Kill my Caster and totems as his Strategy(Contain Power).

Schemes were I had Power Ritual, he has Breakthrough.

Game ended up neither of us had our strategies and both had our schemes I won 3-2.

Now thoughts about Colette with this, If they are melee Heavy and know where you should be its bad, if you do small amounts of damage lots of times vs Black Blood its bad, and the real killer is if you crew really relies on going first and your opponent has the doppelganger its bad.

The killers here for me were the doppelganger because the turn Cassy died she couldn't get southern charm up, and the turn the Corphy Died they couldn't get use soul stone to help with defense.

Biggest thing I learned was Colette is hard as hell to kill she ended up having to take out my performer for the 5 wounds, I did it that way because I was down to about 15 cards left in the deck and the black joker was still in it. 1 card flip to 2 is better odds for me. Then she Blinding flashed Lilith to swap with the corphy to run the rest of the game.

Corphy lit 2 beacons and were the MVP, first 4 turns they ran around to corners then came running back to the combat to get swapped out with Colette then push everyone 4 inches away from where I was running with Colette.

Once again I won with Colette with only her and a dove on the table and my opponent had 2 young 1 mature and 1 terror tot Nephilums on the table with Lilith and the doppelganger. So ya you can get your face wrecked and still win.

Another Game with the same list vs. Rasputina and that was just ugly I tabled him turn 5 with only losing 1 dove and Cassy to combat.

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This weekend I played my Showgirls v Perdita in a 30ss game. I will say that the biggest surprise I had is running one Coryphee can work really well.

My Scheme & Strategy were Claim Jump and Bodyguard (announced protecting Colette).


* Colette (Cache: 3)

9 Cassandra

6 Performer & Mannequin

6 Performer & Mannequin

7 Coryphee

2 Mechanical Dove

Scheme & Strategy

+4 Claim Jump

+2 Bodyguard


* Perdita (Cache: 2)

7 Nino

7 Santiago

4 Guild Gard

5 Austringer

5 Austringer

Scheme & Strategy

+2 Slaughter

+0 ??? He didn't announce.

This was my opponent's first time playing against Colette. Early on I linked my Mannequins and used the Mannequins and Performers as human shields. I lost one Performer this way.

Once I had most of my force sitting on my Claim Jump marker to defend it I sent my Mannequins and Mechanical Doves to attack Perdita. I got Perdita down to 2 wounds and the next turn he got the initiative and killed all three Doves in one turn because she is not only fast but does auto Critical Strikes. I used Illusionist to switch the Mannequin with Colette and was able to turn Perdita into a Soulstone with Magician's Duel.

Later I swapped in a Coryphee to do some Melee combat stuff and that went well.

Overall I lost about 7 Mechanical Doves, 1 Performer and 2 Mannequins for a total of 20 points to my opponent, but he lost his Perdita, Guild Guard, and his Santiago by firing into melee with Nino and hitting his own guy. The worst part about loosing his Santiago is he flipped a Red Joker for damage.

Overall my opponent was afraid of getting into close combat with my Showgirls (and he should be afraid of such things) which limited both our options. My Claim Jump marker was mostly behind a building giving me cover. He could hit me some with his Austringers which I felt the most threatened by, though Nino clearly did the most damage killing a Performer in one hit. Cassandra did take some wounds though Southern Charm kept her from being killed. Her Celebrity ability was 100% worthless in a game where she won't be attacked in melee.

Lessons learned: If fighting a ranged army, keep your Claim Marker behind cover! Doves work great when you can fly them over from behind cover and cast Magician's Duel. Bring something to take into melee if you want to fight the Showgirls for a Claim Marker! In this game two Performer & Mannequin pairs were better than two Corypees which would likely get shot up before getting to a target. Before the end of the game my opponent knew exactly when I was going to cast Magician's Duel. Not everyone loves Magician's Duel, just those who can cast it.

In games like this I won't have the chance to paralyze an opponent with a Coryphee and use the Performer's Poison Gift. Control Cards were flying everywhere this game.


Mechanical Doves (about 5 of them did damage).

Colette (she is 99 and 44/100 a badass).

Corypee (I need more practice with these guys).

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