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Perdita or no?


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I've read a lot of information about the various Guild crews and play styles. I'm running the Vickis and Rasputina now with Colette on order (I really hope she comes in soon!). I've had my eye on Perdita as I really like the fluff from the second book and, well her sculpt is awesome.

I've never played against her as none of the regulars at my FLGS play her so I don't have a real life "vision" of her in action. Is she a good choice over, say Lady J, or Criid? Why or why not?

I unconsciously have ordered all female masters and just this second realized that. Humm... I'm female so I suspect that played a role.

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Hi Rayne,

I have played against Perdita. She and her family are very straight forward to play. If it moves, shoot it. If it is still moving, shoot it again. Perdita has amazing defense and some good reactive abilities so she is really hard to put down. There is something to be said for having guns when quite a few of the things you will be fighting do not have guns.

I think the Ortegas are a solid choice.

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Perdita and her siblings own the field in ranged combat. Model for model they are the best crew in the game for putting lead in the air. This is my first crew and i do have a bit of a bias in their favor. Perdita is a gorgeous model and has rules to back her up. she is fast so you get to make that extra action each turn which i have used to great benefit in the treasure hunt strategem. Nino has great range and with his In My Sights ability (free action) he hits with a CB of 9. Santiago is basically the hulk, once you get him down to 4 wounds he pumps up his CB and gains a +1 walk action. not to say he is not damn useful before taking damage, doling out paired peacebringer hits for that plus one flip with crit strike. my favorite ploy however, is to send papa screaming forward. let him work the field a bit and blow some stuff up before chargin straight in to the enemy master. they think he is no longer a threat since he has already been activated that turn little do they know i am an evil man and will gladly sac a model for an easy kill. ignoring LOS Perdita puts a bullet in her dear old dad's head and KABOOM! no more enemy soulstones.

Perdita differs from the other guild hotties to create a specific and beautiful balance.

Lady J is a CC monster able to deliver crushing damage with that greatsword she slings around plus with a relatively easy +3 twist she has a great chance of landing severe damage which i believe is 6 (dont have my cards infront of me.) the death marshals handle the field withe peacebringers and the Pine Box ability to bury enemy models. FUN! the judge, also included in the box is no slouch in CC either and i have used him to bail out of many tight situations for the good lady. Totem, easily my favorite of the three guild mistresses. discard one control card draw one control card, definately comes in handy on that turn you deal yourself all 4 aces...

Sonia Criid, basically screw magic and constructs. Solid and proficient in both CC and range but in the mystic stuff is where she makes her mark. able to summon pillars of flame and reduce opponents to cinders she is not one to be trifled with. Good CA value and potent spells including the ability to nuke one opponent no questions asked unless they toss away 2 control cards/soulstones. on top of that? she draws a card afterwards. her crew has similar abilities and the witchling stalkers blow up for 2 damage when they die.

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Perdita is easily one of the top tier masters in the whole game. She's flippin sweet.


From a hobbyist POV, Perdita is perhaps one of the best masters to paint and base. Her fluff and sculpt offer themselves up to the willing.

A point about Soniia Criid - I have seen very few paintjobs on her without crossed eyes... it is something to do with her cheekbones, but I cant place it exactly on that alone.

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