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Malifaux Fan Roleplay Site


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How receptive would everyone be to this concept?

Hypothetically, say someone started a site that included basically none of the rules from the game or any proprietary information, but borrowed heavily from the setting, flavor and tone of the game. How well would that go over with Wyrd? Would that be something that they support? Be indifferent about? Oppose?

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How receptive would everyone be to this concept?

Hypothetically, say someone started a site that included basically none of the rules from the game or any proprietary information, but borrowed heavily from the setting, flavor and tone of the game. How well would that go over with Wyrd? Would that be something that they support? Be indifferent about? Oppose?

I think what you ar elooking for is called


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You could try Hero System, which is known for its versatility.

That one can work for just about any setting/genre you can come up with.

If you can get ahold of the older Western Hero and Fantasy Hero supplements, they can still be used (with little to no alteration) with the most current version of the Hero System rules. They'd give you a good base for source material on how to handle both the western-esque setting and magic, leaving just the Malifaux-specific stuff for you to write up/plug in. Even if you can't find those 2 supplements, it'd still be easy to put together teh Malifaux world setting (those would just make it easier, i think).

I've run and played in RPGs of all sorts of genres/scenarios/etc. in this system.

Edited by Gremlin Swarm
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For the record guys, I don't think he's talking about any sort of tabletop RPG, and we already have a very extensive thread about just that subject.

As someone who has participated a lot in RP sites in the past, I would absolutely love to see one made with a Malifaux theme, as I've fallen completely in love with the setting over my last half a year or so of playing. I couldn't imagine Wyrd being upset with that, as if anything it could generate some free publicity for the game among the RP community with the right advertising.

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You could try Hero System, which is known for its versatility.

That one can work for just about any setting/genre you can come up with.

I was in fact actually thinking of Mutants and Masterminds 2e. I'm intimately familiar with it, and it's flexible enough that I can adapt it to this setting, I feel.

For the record guys, I don't think he's talking about any sort of tabletop RPG, and we already have a very extensive thread about just that subject.

Any RP site I would run would be laid on top of an RPG system. It's an easy way to keep players in line and solve arguments about who's character can do what.

I realized that there was a thread about THAT already. What I'm aiming for with this thread is different.

I'm not really looking for advice on the system. If I were to do this, I already have the method in mind. What I'm wondering now, is, if there would be any legal issues that might come up? I would of course be borrowing things from Wyrd's property, so I don't want to get sued, etc.

All good ideas... but try to modify it to include the Fate Decks, rather than dice... to keep the feel of the Malifaux reality

I was thinking of coding my own unique "dice roller" for this system. M&M2e requires a d20 roll for everything. That mechanic would be too difficult to balance out were I to change it. So I was thinking of adding a random suit to every die rolled. Players could pay extra points to add static suits for their stats, and could buy things like triggers and spells in place of super powers, etc.

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I'm toying with the idea of having players be able to play either Minions, Henchmen, or Masters (with increasing amounts of points at character creation respectively). It all really depends on how powerful a campaign setting I wish to run. Contrary to the actual game of Malifaux, I'm hoping to see much of the roleplay be about the development and play of your singular character, rather than the crew he runs in/with. That said, this doesn't mean that there won't be some big Brawl action and threads with Crews (roleplay or combat) from time to time.

The reason I'm planning on using M&M2e is explicitly BECAUSE it is so flexible and would, indeed, allow players to make goblin characters among other things.

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quotemyname - as a DnD player since 2.5 Im a bit over rolling d10/20 in order to take a piss, which is why Malifaux's fate decks are refreshing.

Given, the atmosphere is very unique, if I were to embark upon another RPG it would need to be more than just atmosphere that changes. The entire system needs to offer something else.

PS. Anyone else think that DnD4.0 is just WoW with the power out? Bring on 3.75 - Ranger!

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