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Newb from Tucson, AZ


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Hello everyone,

Just a quick hello. I am not new to miniatures or RPGs, having played since the 1980s, but I am new to Malifaux. The game looks like it rocks -- so much so that I have a couple of crews (Lilith and Perdita) and terrain on order, and haven't even played yet!

I am looking to enjoy the speed, small unit size, and back story/character driven nature of this game -- as well as the unique and well sculpted minis. I am back in school for my Masters, as well as working full time, so I believe this game (and Wings of War) will sate my gaming desires (no time for RPGing).

Those of you in the AZ, I hope to meet up with you sometime (and don't mind driving to do so); anyone attending RinCon?

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Welcome to the forums and I would like to extend an invitation to you to join us at imperial outpost games in Glendale. we hold monthly events and this October we are having a special events you can find it on the forum here, please look under the community events section and look for phoenix special event. Again welcome to the community, we in AZ only keep growing in number and its good to hear we got another convert.

((im sorry it seems you already have the new image confuzzled me.))

Edited by thaehl
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welcome! Great to hear you're getting into Malifaux. As you already see, there is a good bit of Malifaux already going on in your area, so hopefully finding other players shouldn't be any problem at all!

And of course we're happy to have you on the forums as well, I hope you enjoy your time here!

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Welcome from RIGHT BEHIND YOU in sunny (rainy?!) Tucson!

I serve as Henchman in these here parts, and we have all of our league gaming and events at Hat's Games on 29th and Alvernon (just south of 22nd street). I'm doing an impromptu demo with book two this evening, and probably another one Saturday and Sunday. We meet regularly Saturday nights for league every month, and I'm planning on holding a tourney towards the end of September (the 25th) using the newest tourney standards.

Also, I'll be running events again this year at RinCon. Did so last year to GREAT success... lots of new players in just one day! Wil Wheaton stopped by for about 5 seconds, but he was a zombie at the time, so I don't think that counts... :hmmmm:


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Welcome from RIGHT BEHIND YOU in sunny (rainy?!) Tucson!

I serve as Henchman in these here parts, and we have all of our league gaming and events at Hat's Games on 29th and Alvernon (just south of 22nd street). I'm doing an impromptu demo with book two this evening, and probably another one Saturday and Sunday. We meet regularly Saturday nights for league every month, and I'm planning on holding a tourney towards the end of September (the 25th) using the newest tourney standards.

Also, I'll be running events again this year at RinCon. Did so last year to GREAT success... lots of new players in just one day! Wil Wheaton stopped by for about 5 seconds, but he was a zombie at the time, so I don't think that counts... :hmmmm:


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