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My Gencon Wrap up

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Well, another Gencon is over.

I must say that I had an absolute blast as always. This was my 6th Gencon since 2004, and I think each one gets better and better.

Most of that is due to the people.

I have several friends that meet me in Indy every year, but I always manage to make a few new ones, and meet a few new people.

Zee, I had an absolute blast playing PitchCar with you and your friends on Wednesday night, I wish I had been able to catch up with you on Saturday night to get that game in.

Weird Sketch, I have to say thanks for running a great tournament!

It was an absolute blast!

Thank you once again.

Chatting with Nathan, and once again realizing that the success of Malifaux, is directly related to how nice of a guy he really is.

Meeting Jessica, and actually getting to watch her paint for a few.

(I cannot wait to get my hands on those Stitched Together)

Watching Eric paint, and seeing the progress on his Chompy Bits (amazing)

Playing Jeremy (AoM) in the tournament was great.

Although I still think he had at least 5 red jokers in his deck:angryfire

Not a thing could have gone better.

Well I suppose I could have won the tournament, but that is another matter.

And last but not least, I have not been able to put the new book down since I got home.

The fluff is fantastic, and the new characters open up whole new realms of possibilities for the game!

I may even try to get some paint on Chompy this weekend.

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Playing Jeremy (AoM) in the tournament was great.

Although I still think he had at least 5 red jokers in his deck:angryfire

Interesting...he usually has 7 in his deck.

I agree, Gen Con, was again the best gen con ever...Thanks to the Wyrd players and staff.

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I had yet another good Gen Con. I picked up the Ortegas starter, rule book, and deck last year, but never found any locals to play. To top it off, I never really learned the game at Gen Con and didn't have much luck trying to learn it from the rule book on my own.

This year, Z (might be Zee on this forum?) gave me a most spectacular demo / game and completely turned my opinion around on the game. I ended up picking up Lady Justice, Lylyth, and one other starter as well as another deck so I can show the game off to the locals. I might even be able to grow a full play group, who knows?

Of course, first things first, and thats assembling and painting my stuff. I might be able to knock out the assembly over the weekend, but I'll be working a bit to get the painting done. Basing is my only question now -- what is a good generic base style to use for Malifaux? Normally I just go with the open field look, but something tells me that won't fit in most games. I've been debating using cobble stones like this but I'm not sure if thats hand sculpted or if its premade.

Anyway, next year I'll be packing Malifaux along with my Warmachine and Uncharted Seas, and I hope to see you all there.

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I had yet another good Gen Con. I picked up the Ortegas starter, rule book, and deck last year, but never found any locals to play. To top it off, I never really learned the game at Gen Con and didn't have much luck trying to learn it from the rule book on my own.

This year, Z (might be Zee on this forum?) gave me a most spectacular demo / game and completely turned my opinion around on the game. I ended up picking up Lady Justice, Lylyth, and one other starter as well as another deck so I can show the game off to the locals. I might even be able to grow a full play group, who knows?

Of course, first things first, and thats assembling and painting my stuff. I might be able to knock out the assembly over the weekend, but I'll be working a bit to get the painting done. Basing is my only question now -- what is a good generic base style to use for Malifaux? Normally I just go with the open field look, but something tells me that won't fit in most games. I've been debating using cobble stones like this but I'm not sure if thats hand sculpted or if its premade.

Anyway, next year I'll be packing Malifaux along with my Warmachine and Uncharted Seas, and I hope to see you all there.

Wyrd makes their own inserts for the bases, also dragon forge designs has some nice cobblestone bases (and many others as well) at their site. Good luck.

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A bit off topic, but I agree that Con food is insanely expensive! My food of choice to keep me going and spending my hard-earned cash on "stuff" is protein bars. Throw 3 in your bag and you are good for the day. Now if we can just do something about the parking cost. $26 a day is just stupid!!!!

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Or you can always walk the 5 minutes to the mall and eat in the food court. Eating in the convention hall IS a bad idea.

Of course, I have issues with serving sizes and stuff like that. Mostly, I am small and Canadian, and you Americans eat way too much. :) I still can't get over the fact that the McDonald's extra Large in Canada is your Large.

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Yeah for what you can spend on con food you can walk across the street to one of the many restaurants and get a 3 course meal.

I often wonder why someone doesn't open a booth on the convention floor and sell cans of pop and water cheap. I always figured there was a rule against it but I guess this year there was a White Wolf vampire bar on the convention floor so who knows.

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