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hi guys

It's been quite a while since I last touched a minniatures game. Recently though, I did a painting workshop at the school where I work to show the kids a hobby I once loved. This rekinddled my painting spirit and I got me some GW models but it quickly became clear that a whole rank and file army was too much for my freetime to handle so I looked at some skirmish games. I found Malifaux and fell in love. I placed some orders and am anxiously waiting for my minis to arrive.

I live in bavaria germany and once my crew arrives (first one is McMourning) I'll be looking for victims, err I mean players.

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Welcome! Great time to be getting into Malifaux as well, with book 2 we'll be rolling out tons of fun new minis for the game. And like UK and OZ, great to see more players in Germany, one day I'd love to make it to Essen for the convention!! (and I know there are many more than that as well!)

Glad to have you on the forums, enjoy your stay! :)

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