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Guild vs Terrifying/Guild vs Pandora


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So I don't want to name names, or call anybody out, but my Guild crew has had a bit of trouble with Terrifying lately. And by "a bit" I mean "at least half of my crew losing one or more morale duels per game and getting completely bifurcated before they've had the opportunity to fire a shot." So I need to think of some, whaddayacallem, strategies. Just thinking out loud here.

Obviously I'd want to start by leaving low-Wp minions on the sidelines (sorry Papa). The Peacekeeper is appealing, at least for higher-SS games, because he's a construct and therefore immune (right?). I'm a bit cagey on running the PK and Executioner in the same game together but I think someone on my crew who could be proactive about administering Terrify would be helpful. And the Convict Gunslinger/Taelor are both Lifers, so that's kind of a logical choice. What else works? Is the Governor's Proxy a good idea? He sounds like he could either be "awesome" or "stupidly dangerous" to field against, say, a horde of Mature Nephilim.

Models with Terrifying AND Charge drive me kind of nuts too. Would a Guild Guard (using Cordon) be an effective way to keep this situation under control?

And lastly, the main Neverborn guy I play against has been wayyy too excited about the prospect of maybe fielding Pandora some day. Is there anything I can do about that aside from maybe egging his car? Maybe make a game board that consists entirely of deep ravines and magma, and have Perdita Obey Pandora right off a cliff?

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Two words are going to solve ALL your problems. When I say solve of coarse I mean Enforce Law or people are going to start dying on you and there will be many sad faces on both sides of the Field.

If your having trouble with the Moral Duels and Pandora then enlist the aid, of The Governor's Proxy. It's very much a win-win situation; All Guild models with Line of Sight get +2Wp, now if they loose a straight Wp <-> Wp Duel, well... they die, but look at it this way, they were week, they weren't going to help you anyway, a turn to run away, another Full turn to relay? Psh! He might as well be dead! Also the Proxy can take those pesky symbols away from the Ca or Cb of enemy models making all those triggers and spells relatively harmless. Also if they get fed up of the Proxy and try to kill him, or if they kill him accidentally, they immediately make a Wp -> Wp duel with the Proxy, if he wins, they die too.

TL;DR: having trouble with Moral? Enlist the Governor's Proxy Today!

warning may inadvertently slaughter over half of your army due to the loss of Wp duels, those that sell, endorse, and encourage the use of the proxy are not responsible for loss of hair, anger, death, slaughter, assassination attempts or the egging of cars of either parties. please enjoy the proxy responsibly and always have a designated Scape Goat

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Governors Proxy doesn't kill your models in Wp->Wp duels.. They only die from losing Morale duels.

Hope that helps as it makes the Proxy a considerably better totem.


Beaten.. :( though I can confirm what Lucidicide said :)

Good. I need confirmation! My certainly levels are always low, haha.

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the proxy pluss the famliy's stubbern Talent makes your base WP 10 in defence so beating a 12 should be easy. then throw in perdita immune and unseen and you got one pandy hunten list.

Also spell breaker is vary helpful tp cancel project emotions and so is shrug off. judt tag team Nino and perdita to take out pandy and use fransico and santiago to tie up other models. misaki is also a good choice for her high wp and her long melee range or heavy damage.

death marshals have wp 6 and would be wp 8 with the proxy.

so if i was playing vs pandora this is what i would run at 35ss


proxy 2

francisco 5

Nino 7

Santiago 7

Guild Austringer (WP 7 base) 5

Witchling 4

30ss 6SS cache

hope this helps,


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Governor's Proxy is the answer to all your problems with Wp Duels. It buffs the basic Wp to at least 7 for all your models, except Papa. Being killed on a lost Morale Duel is no big deal: Falling Back is game over for the model anyway since it will be out of the game for 2-3 turns.

And besides, if it looks like a model is inevitably going to lose a Morale Duel, just throw something in between the Proxy and the model so LoS is blocked. The killed effect won't kick in ("Ahem! Dear Proxy, I don't think you need to see this. How about looking in that other direction?"). Bring a few Witchlings to Dispel the Falling Back states and you're good to go.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback guys, I never thought I'd have to buy a politician to solve my problems but here we are.

And besides, if it looks like a model is inevitably going to lose a Morale Duel, just throw something in between the Proxy and the model so LoS is blocked. The killed effect won't kick in ("Ahem! Dear Proxy, I don't think you need to see this. How about looking in that other direction?").


This is extremely cunning. Will keep in mind.

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