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Hi, newbie reporting and with questions


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Agreed, the electrical creation is a good choice of model. Looks and playability. And the extra arachnids was a good choice as well. Cause melee master on the swarms are pretty. As well as their paralyze trigger, which is hard to get off sometimes, but when it does. Hhhhhyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaa........paralyzed. LOL. Glad to see another Ramos player though and good luck.

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I have two swarms and six sigle spiders and i find that is enough, there was one game that i could have made a third swarm but i got really lucky that game with my draws and flips. but i am thinking about getting a third swarm and three more sigles because there fun to model and paint.

but then again im the crazy player who runs this list

35 SS

Ramos +2

Brass -2

Rusty Alyce -10

steampunk spider -3

steampunk spider -3

steampunk spider -3

Hans or con. gunslinger + spider -9

that leaves me with 7ss

I do use E. creation as well.

hope this helps


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Your sig looks great.

and here a quick top ten on why spiders rock.

10 you can make them with ramos

9 they have DF 6 and df 8 with Arcing screen

8 when they swarm they get self healing

7 in a swarm they get +1 to damage fips

6 can anyone say melee MASTER!

5 self distruction

4 elusive

3 overwhelm

2 Latch on

1 if you scatter/Swarm right you can get off 6 attacks with 3 latch ons.


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Thanks Andy, i`m in a difficult process right now (waiting for my minis to arrive:wallbash:) I liked Ramos from the begining but now with your posts i like him better, working on scenery right now, so i have another question (sorry) i`ve read some posts about specific scenery like the hanged tree, creepy construction and ss vein, which ones are this specific constructions??? thanks again.

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