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Hi; newbie with questions


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Hi everyone, i`m from Mexico, long time miniature games player, started with 40k and went trough, wm, hordes, okko, etc.

I`m playing infinity right now (i love it) but i play mostly with my wife (Not many players around) but she does not completely happy with it, recently i`ve discover malifaux and her eyes pop out when she saw the minis and game environment, so were moving to malifaux. The shipping rates are really expensive to us, so we like to order everything in 1 order, i want ramos and laCroix boxes, and my wife, zoraida and rasputina, so the questions are,are this good choices? and, what extra blisters do we need to add to make the 4 even? thanks in advance.

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Hi and welcome to Wyrd! Glad to hear the game caught your attention, that's what we like to hear.

I think some more experienced players in your chosen crews are around here to help with your questions, unfortunately I don't play those crews very often. But also notice that Wyrd has a flat rate relatively low shipping cost for international orders, if that helps :)

Anyway, great to have you on the forums!

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Thanks eric, i buy from the war stores because they have good prices, but if the wyrd store makes a good deal in the shipping i`ll consider placing my order with them, thanks, so for crews info i jump to where?? greetings.

In the Malifaux Matters subforum you can find each of the different Factions with a lot of good information there. I suggest checking it out for potentially useful information.

Honestly, all the Masters are good choices. There are a few that are thought of as a bit weaker, but I haven't met anyone who doesn't have fun with any of them.

As to what to buy in addition... as I said, check out some of the advice in the Malifaux Matters subforum. Do you have the rules? Hopefully it can help from there, and given how friendly everyone is around here, you'll probably get some good responses soon!

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