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About the slaughter encounter


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As for original topic.

Played a 3 person game last night. Both opponents drew treasure hunt, I drew slaughter.

In the end about 60% of my crew was still standing, and no other models were on the table. Most likely this is due to the master I play being able to inflict ridiculous amounts of damage with little effort.

I won 8-2-0.

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As for original topic.

Played a 3 person game last night. Both opponents drew treasure hunt, I drew slaughter.

In the end about 60% of my crew was still standing, and no other models were on the table. Most likely this is due to the master I play being able to inflict ridiculous amounts of damage with little effort.

I won 8-2-0.

I'm assuming Leveticus? He'd be annoying to try and keep dead. ;P

@Lalo, just how many playtesters are there? It seems like every time I come to the forums another playtester or three has popped up. XP

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As for original topic.

Played a 3 person game last night. Both opponents drew treasure hunt, I drew slaughter.

In the end about 60% of my crew was still standing, and no other models were on the table. Most likely this is due to the master I play being able to inflict ridiculous amounts of damage with little effort.

I won 8-2-0.

Three-way games are always a bit ... wyrd. Usually you get a situation where two players end up going after each other harder and the third person steps in and messes with both of them. Your draw on Strat probably helped, as they were fighting over treasure, made it a bit easier for you to concentrate on killing stuff.

Still, 8-2-0 is no joke. What schemes did you play?

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We have played only one three player game and we decided not to play one again. It went exactly as ddot described, with two players fighting over their objectives and weakening each other. Then later the third player steps in with an unharmed Crew and mops the floor with both opposing Crews. Four player games have been great fun though as the game does not end up with 1 vs. 1 and one Crew watching the others kill themselves.

The issue with Slaughter is more present in 1 vs. 1 games which are the majority of games. There hiding some models directly adds to your score since every VP your opponent does not score is VP advantage to you. In multiplayer games hampering one opponent's VP score has much smaller effect as you have more opponents. Here using all you models to score VP yourself makes more sense than using some to just deny an opponent (as it gives advantage to the players other than you and the one you deny VP from).

Still, 8-2-0 is no joke. What schemes did you play?

I will make a guess: Bodyguard and Thwart.


Edited by Ropetus
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Three ways are diffucult in almost any game. As bad as it can be with malifaux, with the somewhat random strats, it's worse with Warmachine, where one side does all of its activations at once. At least with this game, the turns balance out a bit better overall.

My problem has been that I would usually end up in a three way with a guy who had a friendly yet furious rivalry going with me. Invariably, there would be at least one of us with Assassinate/Slaughter and we would invariably flip each other as the targets. Not much fun for the other guy.

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I will make a guess: Bodyguard and Thwart.


Close, thwart and hold out. My opponents had bodyguard and hold out, I got into one deployment zone, not the other.

But I think Leveticus is built to just get rid of models. The fact that I can potentially get rid of 3 in one activation with him (if they are low enough on wounds) is rather sick.

And unnatural wasting is the most broken spell ever IMO. I could kill a 20 wound model with that and one other spell.

My crew just in case you were curious (35SS)


Alyce 8

Rotten Belle 4

Crooked Man 4

Peacekeeper 9

canine remains 2

SPA x2 6

33/35 with 2 stones for Levi.

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