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Zoriada List post-up


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Post away!!!!!!!!! Lol

My list is:


Dopplerganger 8

Young Nephilim 6

3x Bayou Gremlins 9

Leaving me with 7 SS. My plan is to kill off one of the gremlins with the young to get one blood counter. Then obey it up the field, and vice versa obey some of their models towards it. Then obey it Into Combat and kill something else to mature it in the end.

What do you think. Ya or ney



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My plan is to kill off one of the gremlins with the young to get one blood counter. Then obey it up the field, and vice versa obey some of their models towards it. Then obey it Into Combat and kill something else to mature it in the end.

Why not just take a Mature Nephilim in the first place? It only costs 1 SS over a Young Nephilim + Gremlin and doesn't take any Actions. Extra Soulstones are not that important for Zoraida anyway since she already has 5 and doesn't have a high need for them (her defences are top notch already and Crystal Ball grants better card control that Stones).

It might make sense with Primordial Magic. Saves 2 SS and it will get sacrificed anyway when Zoraida summons her Voodoo Doll. Still I doubt it will be really useful.

I'm not sure if so many Gremlins is the best idea. After all they're not that good and cost an extra stone. Sure they bring in some ranged attacks you otherwise would not get but I doubt three is really needed.

How about this: Bring a Young, some Terror Tots and Primordial Magic. Slaughter the Prim Magic first turn for an early Grow. Something like:


Primordial Magic 2

Doppelganger 8

Young 6

Young 6

Terror Tot 3

Leaves Zoraida 5 SS

Now you can use both Youngs' Melee Expert Strikes on Primordial Magic, generate a Blood Counter and Grow the Tot on your first turn for three Young Nephilim. I think those are the best Nephilim for your buck really as they're much better than Tots but easier to hide than the Mature, and they hit just as hard if you trigger Flay. You could easily swap the second Young for Tot + Gremlin if you want to.


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We usually play 35 points in my area. Here's my list:


Doppelganger 8

Mature Nephilim 10

2 Silurids 10

Convict Gunslinger 6

Total: 34 points

This scrap is used in almost all of my Zoraida lists. It's good for almost every strategy if used properly. The main mechanic of this list is to obey the Mature Nephilim up the board using Zoraida and the Doppelganger, and alpha striking, causing some obscene amount of terrifying checks. Also, if the models succeed and attack him, he gets some early damage with black blood for every model he's within 1 inch of. Using Zoraida as a beacon for my opponents to hide from (make a voodoo doll of a minion and obey it into combat with a higher threat, kill the doll with a Silurid and do it to another one next turn.) it brings a good deal of board control. Combine that with the Convict Gunslinger's paired pistols, it pretty much takes control of a board rather quickly.

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