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Live Action Malifaux?

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I am all for you guys doing cosplay (emphasis on the "you guys").

If you do by chance post photos, I am up for a well intentioned laugh, acknowledgement of originality, and praise for the time and skill I know some 'cosplayers' will undoubtedly put into their creative and often flambouyant outfits.

I myself would never do it, but I do have a certain wry and grudging(?) respect for those that do. I would never criticise you (I mean I do play with miniatures and sometimes live in a world of fantasy myself), but occasionally I do shake my head in bemusement.

That said, I wish you well, so have fun out there and play safe.

EDIT: to be clear, no condescension or offense was intended in this post

Those that have no comprehension of cosplay are some of the best to cosplay in the presence of. Some of the best responses are received then.

(This is not to say that you don't comprehend. It seems that you simply do not care for it.)

I'm sure that every cosplyer here can appreciate the respect that you offer. ^_^

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I cosplayed at gencon a few years ago for Legend of the Five Rings card game. Ironically, while being pulled directly from the companies artwork it was not well received by the company, or 80% of the people in the card hall, in fact several gen con employees asked to to put shoes on among other articles of clothing.

So I am totally down for CosPlaying, especially if there is an award for most inexpensive costume. My last one ran about 98 cents in fabric.

Furious_Assault.jpgThats the card artwork. Honestly it wasn't a horrible costume, I was just fairly limited in time and resources at that moment. So I went for "original."

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My girlfriend is already planing her Rasputina costume for halloween. She's been looking for an excuse to get some boots like that for a while and she can really pull off 'tina.

Gripfast makes knee-high strappy boots with a thick sole and heel. You might try electricboutique.com they have good boots.

For a second you guys scared me I though this was going to be a larping thread. Although cosplay isn't my thing Halloween is. I can respect the effort it takes to make those crazy costumes. Especially when there is very little actual material there. I'm pretty sure theres a formula for less clothing= morels stitching and more work

My band aptly named "the boothill rockers" then renamed "the boothill swingers" now known as "Big Rob and his Dirty Old Man" did a zombie western thing on Halloween for a few years. If u have the ability make it yourself it will be cheaper. If you can't you can buy most anything you need but it will cost you. Just ask my confederate cavalry uniform.

Be forewarned if you buy boots make sure they are workboots and have rubber soles. Don't be a city boy and buy leather sole dancing/dress boots, you will fall and maybe die.

Was gonna be Dr. Horrible for Halloween but the smock pattern I have would work well with McMourning

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