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Zoraida = Zulikha?


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Stumbled across the concept sketches in Chronicles Volume 1 and noticed that Zoraida underwent quite a few revisions. Looks like she was originally named Zulikha, wore a top hat and stole Flavor Flave's necklace.

Any idea on the change? There looks to be a voodoo doll sketch of her too in the main rulebook... is she perhaps an upcoming model still?

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I think she got changed because the guys at Wyrd wanted a bit more of a Baba Yaga feel (If you look closely you'll notice that she has wooden legs, and probably iron teeth too.) Rather than the Cajun voodoo queen.

Wooden?! I thought it was hooves, much ala the Mature Nephilim.. Haven't held the miniature yet though..

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So did i in closer inspection, she has heels, also fuff wise a house with Chicken leg's, that with hopefully be made into a model at some point :)

That would be great. I'm still prety sure that her legs are made out of wood though, but I could just be having my optimism playing tricks on me again.

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I think it was the Flava-Flave references that got her redesigned. There is the clock but her pose also is reminiscent of scratching records.

At the time, Flava-Flave was in the news as part of that reality TV show he was on.

Hmm...For some reason I saw that she had more than a passing resemblance to Slash than anyone else, maybe its just the top hat.

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