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All Named Gang


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I am a new Malifaux player, and one of the things that drew me to the game, other than the awesome minis and the cool mechanics was that I could field an army of all named characters, a la a Role Playing Party. So my question to all of you is, is it tactically feasible to run with an all named army? I was planing on starting the Victorias (on an unrelated note, are they too popular to start now?) due to the fact that they have an all named box set. I am aware that a lot of our best figures (Ronin, the Gunslinger) are un-named, but is my vision possible?



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I am a new Malifaux player, and one of the things that drew me to the game, other than the awesome minis and the cool mechanics was that I could field an army of all named characters, a la a Role Playing Party. So my question to all of you is, is it tactically feasible to run with an all named army? I was planing on starting the Victorias (on an unrelated note, are they too popular to start now?) due to the fact that they have an all named box set. I am aware that a lot of our best figures (Ronin, the Gunslinger) are un-named, but is my vision possible?



Yes. You can do it and be competitive, although the Viks are not necessarily the best for that (because of the models you mentioned, for example). But, you can definitely do it in either case. With the Viks, you can add models like Misaki.

And I don't think there's anything too popular to play. The closest you'll come is that maybe in your area you'll have a lot of a certain master/faction. However, I don't think that should necessarily discourage you. In any case, you'll probably end up with more than one crew anyway. :)

Welcome to the game.

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Wow that was a quick response, not that I am complaining or anything. (Want to put a smile here but there are no plain smiles, Gah) Anyway, thanks for the advice. I think I will stick with the Victorias just because they are a very nice set of models, and I am not a huge fan of the Guild. So if I don't limit myself to just named characters, I guess I should just start with the box. After the box however, what should be the next buy? Should I get Ronin, or should I try something more like Hans for ranged?

Hoping for another quick reply,


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I think the first pick for add-on in an Outcast crew would be the Convict Gunslinger for his ranged awesomeness. Ronin run a close 2nd IMO. After that it will depend on your playstyle. You can have quite a few guns in your force with the starter box, the convict and the ronin. More shootiness would be Hans, more melee would be Misaki, crazy board control would be Hamelin.

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I am a new Malifaux player, and one of the things that drew me to the game, other than the awesome minis and the cool mechanics was that I could field an army of all named characters, a la a Role Playing Party. So my question to all of you is, is it tactically feasible to run with an all named army? I was planing on starting the Victorias (on an unrelated note, are they too popular to start now?) due to the fact that they have an all named box set. I am aware that a lot of our best figures (Ronin, the Gunslinger) are un-named, but is my vision possible?



Possible, yes.

As competitive as Victoria can be, no.

She really likes having her ronin and convict gunslinger around.

A very playable all named crew would be Perdita and the Ortegas.

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I agree with the Ortegas as a good 'all named' crew. They're absolutely brutal--especially if you're wiling to use Papa Loco as an all-out kamikaze.

I also agree that the Victorias really do need Ronin and maybe a Gunslinger or two to be most effective. (They can do okay without them, but they're a really good add-on for that crew.)

I played my Ortegas against an out-of-the-box Victoria crew. The melee Vic mixed it up with Perdita--it wasn't pretty for Vic. (Perdita's a near-machine gun even in melee thanks to her Gunfighter and Fast abilities.)

Edited by Gremlin Swarm
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