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Malifaux RPG a possibility?

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well my idea is based on the concentration checks of D&D...but maybe we could require the zombie to make a wp check atthe casters wp every time the caster is attacked. I just figure if you are controlling undead that arn't yours even constructs there has to be something if you loose concentration.

Agreed, just that the falling WP with Damage seemed...I don't know how else to describe it but it seemed to be inappropriate for what you're suggesting.

As always, it's something to consider.

Also for anyone who's still listening...I'm about 50% done with my rough draft. Work has been taking a toll on me so it's going slower than I'd like it to.

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Well I see controlling constructs and Undead as basically a prolonged spell type deal. Stuff can come along and try to sever the connection. With that in mind I think there should be something set of rules that covers concentration or at least control and loosing it.

Control and Losing control is definitely something I'll look into. "Concentration" to maintain control may not be what I'm looking for...I mean...We don't have a lot to go on, but it doesn't seem like Seamus has problems directing hordes of undead while being shot at.

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Seamus doesn't....but bill the unlucky guy from the story where a wizard gets turned into a witchling stalker he can't concentrate so well when being shot. So keep in mind in an RPG we are not playing seamus and such, they are playing chaddwick the ressurectionists.

What I meant with the Seamus example is that with the undead in particular, I'm not certain that it's a magical link that controls the undead. It might be verbal commands enforced by a small magic spell or something similar. It might JUST be verbal commands with no magic, but since Seamus animated the undead they are automatically loyal to him. Perhaps that's the way that all necromancy works. I don't know, and I have no proof one way or the other...but having it being a magical link that requires concentration feels wrong.

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What I meant with the Seamus example is that with the undead in particular, I'm not certain that it's a magical link that controls the undead. It might be verbal commands enforced by a small magic spell or something similar. It might JUST be verbal commands with no magic, but since Seamus animated the undead they are automatically loyal to him. Perhaps that's the way that all necromancy works. I don't know, and I have no proof one way or the other...but having it being a magical link that requires concentration feels wrong.

Slight Spoiler Warning:

In the scene with Nicodem and Kirai, Nicodem mentions that as the steampunk samurai is being raised from the dead, the person who's voice it hears first is imprinted in its head, and becomes it's master. So It doesn't seem like they're kept under control by a sustained spell or anything, at least not in this case.

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Slight Spoiler Warning:

In the scene with Nicodem and Kirai, Nicodem mentions that as the steampunk samurai is being raised from the dead, the person who's voice it hears first is imprinted in its head, and becomes it's master. So It doesn't seem like they're kept under control by a sustained spell or anything, at least not in this case.

Thank you for that Information Alemon.

I haven't worked on this project directly for several days now since school just got back into session. Hopefully in a week I will have something.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All this chat about Malifaux Roleplaying, and how to use the Cards and NO-ONE has mentioned Castle Falkenstien!

Castle Falkenstein is a fantasy/steampunk-themed role-playing game - so its already in the "ball park" for Malifaux.

The system uses playing cards instead of dice to simulate the action - so again little or no work is required there - and players are required to keep an in-character diary instead of using a character sheet. So unless you want to design your own Character Sheet for Malifaux, thats something else you need not do!

Its NOT currently in print, but if you hunt around its readily found at cover price (or less) its around $15.00 for a second hand copy on Amazon.

Does it work for Malifaux - yes it does, I've already run a Game :D

All I did was replace the Falkenstein Background with the Malifaux one - and it worked a treat!

For those with limited budget, or can't find a copy - try a Google search ;) you'll be surprised what downloads you might find LoL!

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As much of a pain as it would be, I like the idea of allowing players to come up with their own abilities, triggers and spells. They can obviously pull from the book if they want, but it seems like just about all of the unique characters in the game have at least one thing that is theirs and theirs alone. In an official RPG I would like to see a list of examples and some general rules, but more along the lines of creating aspects in Spirit of the Century than something like the Hero System.

Also, I had an idea for skills being set in ranks that work differently from just adding points... instead of doing stat+skill, each skill rank (up or down) gives you a positive or negative twist on your check. So you could have the Awareness skill, tied to the Intelligence stat. If you are rank 0, you flip Int normally. If you spend points in it, you might get 1-2 positive twists. If you take flaws/disadvantages you might have a negative twist to your flip. Situational modifiers to all checks could also be covered under the idea of twisting fate; the minis game does this to a limited extent with cover: it provides positive twist to the defense flip.

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All this chat about Malifaux Roleplaying, and how to use the Cards and NO-ONE has mentioned Castle Falkenstien!

To be fair, I've been talking Castle Falkenstein on the boards for the past few months. It's what got me into steampunk in the nineties.

I'd like to see your notes, if you made any!

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To be fair, I've been talking Castle Falkenstein on the boards for the past few months. It's what got me into steampunk in the nineties.

I'd like to see your notes, if you made any!

I didn't really need to (other than story-line - which involved someone killing people randomly and stealing body parts ;))

Its such an easy transition, especially considering how the Cards in Falkenstein work (up to 13 on a Face).

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Not sure if this has been mentioned but their was an RPG called Deadlands a while back that was: wild west/steam punk/magic/undead and used cards (as well as poker chips) to play. I know its not a Malifaux: RPG but until one comes out it is pretty darn close.

Its actually NOTHING like it LoL!

Its like Comparing A Slasher Movie to a Vampire Flick - both are Horror Films and are similar in some respects, but they aren't really the same!

UPON SAYING THAT - the original Edition of Deadlands is another Game that the system could quite easily be used wholesale with the Malifaux Background.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
it would be a good setting, as for stats and abilities, i think it would be difficult to do with cards.

Not necessarilly - I mean, Deadlands - the Original Deadlands, not this new one they came out with, originally got it's stats from drawing cards. It wasn't just easy to do, generating a character in the old system was kinda a blast. ^^

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Not necessarilly - I mean, Deadlands - the Original Deadlands, not this new one they came out with, originally got it's stats from drawing cards. It wasn't just easy to do, generating a character in the old system was kinda a blast. ^^

I still play Deadlands. It is a skill based system instead of a class based one i.e. D&D. You use cards during character generation for stats and to determine initiative in combat. It is also the basis for all things magic/arcane. For example; a huckster plays a hand of poker against evil spirits to see if and how well his spell works, a mad scientist draws a hand to see what kind of blueprint he can design and how well it works. All religious related roles still went to the dice gods i.e. Indian Shamn, those who were enlightened "Kung Fu stuff" and the blessed.

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  • 7 months later...

Threadomancy FTW. Years ago I wanted to do a card based system for a RPG and I could never quite make it work. Malifaux with its use of suit modifiers and positive and negative flips has done wonders. It could easily be turned into an RPG. All that needs to be done is create a skill system that utilizes the same card system and a decision on how character advancement works. The rest is expansion of the already existing fluff background and your ready to go.

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Threadomancy FTW. Years ago I wanted to do a card based system for a RPG and I could never quite make it work. Malifaux with its use of suit modifiers and positive and negative flips has done wonders. It could easily be turned into an RPG. All that needs to be done is create a skill system that utilizes the same card system and a decision on how character advancement works. The rest is expansion of the already existing fluff background and your ready to go.

really, just a non-combat skill system, and rules for acquiring abilities/talents/spells and you've got the core done...

add an EXP system and character build... it could be simply managed...

say all PCs have X points to spend on their stats (as shown on the cards already) and Y points for Abilities/Traits...

Every player manages their own fate deck, and use the standard combat system...

Really, if you start everyone off with a basic stat of 2 across the board (as civilians)...

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really, just a non-combat skill system, and rules for acquiring abilities/talents/spells and you've got the core done...

add an EXP system and character build... it could be simply managed...

say all PCs have X points to spend on their stats (as shown on the cards already) and Y points for Abilities/Traits...

Every player manages their own fate deck, and use the standard combat system...

Really, if you start everyone off with a basic stat of 2 across the board (as civilians)...

I think stealing from other games is not a bad idea when it comes to how to design the RPG. Personally I like the 7th Sea system in both Attribute / Ability layout and exp growth.

The biggest problem I have with just lifting the combat system from Malifaux is the fact that there are more PCs than GMs. I would want to let every player have their own deck, and so letting the PCs cycle their deck and hand every turn gives them an advantage in that they have more control over their High Cards than the GM does since they're only managing 1 character and the GM is managing several.

Also I think Chocobo proposed that GMs be referred to as Tyrants.

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For simpler purposes, you could have players as one deck, GM as another... where instead of each player drawing a hand, they get 1 Fate card...

(so a team of 5 would have a full hand)... and create a series of abilities to allow extra cards, or playing cards for other PCs...

the bonus here is, your monster manual is the tabletop book,

1:1...no questions of how it would convert... instead just showing that those involved in these conflicts are notably more powerful than the average people...

if you figure a Guild Guard is "heroic" compared to the average citizen, then that makes 3s across the table your standard starting adventurer...

EXP could be as simple as:

The Attribute x 2 in points to raise it 1 level.

(10) points to buy a new abilitiy

(20-Casting Cost) for spells

and special actions would need some analysis to work out...

create "Ability Chains"/Requirements to get certain powers....

make qualifiers (like Guid Guard or Spirit) RP dependent stuff...

spells could further be filtered by Caster types (Arcanist, Neverborn, Guild, Ressurectionist)... etc... although this would start putting limits in...

however, it would also give you the ability to buy Suits and Triggers...

perhaps dedicated archtypes are the only ones who can access suits without the Adaptive Fighter ability?

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