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pedita list:advice wanted

Iron Man

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i lent my rulebook out at the minute so i cant really check stats and abilities, just go from memory, but i want to try and make up my next crew.

Im aiming for 35ss perdita crew.

basically i was thinking go for the whole lot of ortega's, then add an enslaved nephalim and the judge.

the nephalim is there for the extra obey, and possibly to finish of those that perdita has nearly killed without wasting her AP's, and the judge is there for some close quarters fighting. I like the model better than sammael, and i dont really know what else i could pick that would compliment the crew for the same SS cost.

what do you guys think?

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Instead of the nephalim and judge, how about the Peacekeeper? It's a bad-ass fighter with a nice ranged attack. Very survivable with 10 wounds and Armor 2. with relentless and arachnid it can move around to support any of the shooters. It's also quite scary.

If not, I prefer the Executioner over judge. Way more survivable with his Slow to die and Love the job combo. No gun but way more effective in melee.

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If your looking at playing the family I wouldn't suggest using all of them...only a couple of them are really that awesome. Something I would consider is bring Austringers, They can generally activate your entire side or pick and choose who you want to activate along with them (I don't use Austringers yet but I've heard good things.)

If your looking for some long range damage, Samael can bring some high damage at a decent range (Flaming Bullets gives you min of 5 damage at 10 inches) And with Arcane Hunter if your fighting anything with a legit cast, it hurts even more. He also has hunter and scout so he can be immune to that Rubble if it pops up. I only say this cause I got a chance to use him today and he single-handedly took care of most a Rasputina crew (I got lucky and had to cheat FB once). Executioner seems good, and Fransico and Nino seem to be the best 2 Ortega's, Judge is good, but he needs to be up close to do any real damage and Blades/Bullets (Bullets/Blades) is ok but with the cast + the CB it takes a lot to do anything. Your best getting in and Flurrying.

Thats about it for my advice >.<

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thanks for the opinions

i didnt like the sound of santiago that much when i read his rules, so i could be tempted to drop him for samael. From what ive read of the executioner ive heard he is just too easy to take out at range before he gets close, and im not really a fan of the model.

I did think about an austringer, but for the SS cost they seem pretty weak. yeah getting in an activation when you need it can be a game winner, but so caqn having a hard hitter there instead.

peacekeeper . . thats one of those things for the future. playing with teddy i know what happens to big expensive things like that. they get targeted first.

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Ronin is a nice add, Ive never had luck with Santi though, to soft in my opinion. A witchling or two is nice to tie up stuff in melee, throw down some disrupts, make them discard, and remove effects where needed....and they blow up!!

The thought of leaving Sammy home when theres a party is a hard choice. I dont like the model to much myself, but hes worth his weight in gold on the field.

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I disagree about Santiago. I mostly play with the Ortegas and my first two auto choices are Nino and Santiago. Nino is just hands down the best shooter in the game - if I have a good mask in my hand I like to Obey him to shoot and use the mask to trigger 'trigger happy' - he can sometimes get off 4-6 shots in a turn.

Santiago is a nice shooter with his Paired Peacebringers. Bulletproof and Hard to Kill means your foe has to expend extra resources to put him down in one go - otherwise he can heal himself and his shooting is even better.

I love Papa also. He's nice to companion with Perdita then cast Obey on him - have him charge his 8", when he goes he can move and use 'take ya with me' to severely hurt several enemies which are then much easier to take down as they advance into firing range. He's also nice as a reserve-slingshot him out when the enemy gets into charge range.

The guild has lots of great models but they can be pricey. Francisco represents a solid fighter at a bargain price. Also a good choice for the companion / obey combo. Obey the charge into melee range then Flurry on his turn. He needs to be held back until needed though because he's pretty soft.

When I want to change things up Papa and Francisco are my first choices to go.

Don't underate the Austringer - being able to take an 18" shot at anyone within that range ignoring LOS is awesome.

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Santiago is nice. Paired pistols can't be overlooked. It really makes it that he'll get Trigger Happy more often than Nino, especially when Rapid Firing.

The only thing that really keeps me from using Santiago more is that if he ends up in melee, he's toast. Nino is less likely to end up in melee because of the range. And he can easily get out of it with Where's He Go.

So if you're playing against a fast strike posse, Santiago can be next to useless. Leap-ers or speedsters like Marcus will be on you before you get a shot off.

I like Papa Loco a lot. But there are just so many times where he can be not simply usless, but harmful to take. If you're playing anyone with Obey, odds are he's going to blow up half his family. If you're playing against Belle's, he'll luckily be killed before damaging friends and family.

Peacekeeper is expensive, but a lot of fun. And it's as impressive as hell on the battlefield.

Nino is the only true auto-include for the guild. Samael is close for his damage output. But one model I also try to take is the man who's too sexy for his shirt... the fat Wolverine... the Executioner. He's great for keeping melee guys off of your shooty guys. Keep him close to but near Santiago and Santiago gets to keep shooting all day.

Just my two cents.

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