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this isnt a moan, im just a bit confounded, am i the only one who dosnt see the greatnes of hamlin in a pandora crew, yh a few more wp tests, but the abilitys them self arnt very good, ok obay is nice some times but the otheres are meh, and the wp tests to be any good need to be within 12" of pandora and even then its onyl 1 wd per fail, and for a 10 ss modal, 3-4 wd a turn is pritty week, so why do peaple like him in a pandora crew.

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The idea in using Hamelin isn't necessarily the measly damage output with the Wp duels, though they can help too. If that was the only point in using him, Pandora would be the only one to ever even consider hiring him. He's a utility model and his uses are situational but his effect on your opponent should be rather big. He's especially fun against Gremlins as then the only models that can target him are Warpig and Som'er. If you're playing against Ressers, he can destroy Corpse Counters lying around.

He gives you extra board control, your opponent won't be able to leave his models where ever he would like. They might end up charging his own models. Or they could run off the field if they're trying to run around the edges off the playing field. It's not that hard to cast two Piper's Lures on a model. If you can force your opponent to move where you want him to be, it shouldn't be that hard for Pandora to zoom in and finish a few models per turn.

And his Growing Command is a great use for high :masks, which your crew doens't need that often unless you're using Nephilims with Pandora. On the other hand, get a Pity off on some model with Pandora and Hamelin will make him do pretty much anything you want. With :-fate on Wp duels Growing Command should be easier to pull off. Two obeys on a big hitter will do a lot of damage. And if he hasn't activated yet, cast an Irresistible Dance on him (or someone else).

You can also use him to Obey your own models and move them to better position, this can be quite devastating if you're doing it with a big hitter like Kade or Teddy (Teddy can be obeyd while he's within 12" of Pandora). Even one extra walk will help a lot with Teddys Thing of Nightmares making him able to fly etc. If you can Obey Teddy to charge, he can Flurry on his activation. This should kill off most things he might be standing next to and make even masters run through their soulstone cache and control cards rather fast.

Or at least that should be along the lines what you could do with him in theory. In practice he might just end up shot, eaten, beaten to death and turned into an undead wench or anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have mix feelings for Hamelin with Zoraida: there's a lot of Obey, but they both then compete for the high mask cards; then you have to be in range if you wanna obey the ennemy which brings you too close to the ennemy and can be dodgy considering Hamelin's defense, especially if the ennemy has pack/companion kind of models; I've hardly managed to get the Piper's lure going, having the ennemy always too far from edge (maybe I should have myself stayed closer to edges?); finally using obey on own models can also be difficult if using Silurids as they go quick and far, usually out of Hamelin range in 2 turns, and Juju cannot be Obey-ed (which is why I want to try Bishop instead of Juju).

HOwever this said, like all our amazing Malifaux models I just feel like I just might not be using it right, and his potential is greater than I've witnessed. I've tried Zoraida, Silurids, Juju, Hamelin (just ok), and also Zor, Silur, Hans, Hamelin (not enough fight power).

So I'm leaving my Piper on the side at the moment but will take him out again if using a new Master (with Vik he would be probably good I suppose, and cheaper!)


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