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Painting "Plasma Globe" Effects?


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Hey all, decided to convert my Desolation Engine to make him look more "industrial nightmarish" and part of my genius plan was to replace his head with an enclosed helmet I planned on painting like a plasma globe. However it only struck me that painting a 3d plasma globe effect onto a flat surface would be a nightmare unto itself!

Anyone got any tips for achieving this? The helmet is basically two space marine pads glued together and chopped down a bit.


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You could paint crackling lightning on it, but without some kind of OSL effect, I doubt it would look right.

An alternative would be to get a transparent hemisphere of the right size (a pen lid springs to mind) and model some lightning inside it. Tricky, but would convey the plasma-globe effect.


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You might look for a painting Power Sword effect. There are a lot of those that give that crackling effect.

Without having tried it my sugesstion would be this (assuming you are painting the inside, for the outside reverse the order):

1) Pick your glow color and paint a small dot of that color's highlight in the center of the hemisphere.

2) Paint a large dot around the small dot in your glow color.

3) Paint around the edge of the opening with your glow color.

4) With a contrasting color, paint faint lightning between the large dot and the outer edge.

5) With almost a wash consistancy, paint the shading color of your glow color from the edge toward the center. Have it feather in and make sure you leave a clear border between it and your large dot.

Basically you want to paint this:


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