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Give them the shaft!


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the wire for the control box was an old speaker wire i had laying around.. im going to make a few more but with out the frame around them.. i figured if you push a model that doesnt have flying into the shaft.....IT's DEAD :P.

i was also thinking about making some rules to make it interactive, so a model in contact with can spend an action and flip a card and some thing will happen.. kind of like the creepy structure . but its an idea i havent put top much thought into it.

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I really like this. What are the dimensions? Can we see a model next to it for scale? What are your plans for painting the shaft? Black, or trying some kind of fade to black? I don't think my painting skills are up to doing that. *chuckle*

If I were going to make one of these (and I think I will because it's a great idea), I might create an isometric shaft view in Photoshop and print that out. Then put that down and build the shaft around it. But even painted black, this is going to be a really great piece on the table.

Keep up the good work!

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