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Lilith & the kids!


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I've posted my first Malifaux crew in the Mortimer's Bacon thread, and now it's the time for the second:


To bypass the low resolution these boards limit us to, I've posted more detailed pictures (together with the Nikodem's lot pics) in my online gallery.

I've been agonizing for quite a bit on what color scheme to choose for Lilith. I wanted to go with something alluding to the mythical Lilith, so I thought of Babylonian or Egyptian motives. Finally I went with dark skinned models (Lilith is almost black, with slight reddish flare, Nephilim are more prominently red) and the rest inspired after Tarot de Marseille.

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Very nice. Excellent creativity and research. I like the color choices, but the skin tone doesn't seem as highlighted as the rest - must be tough with the black/brown color. Also the hair seems kind've flat - it really stands out against the awesome red and blue shading.

Overall excellent though.

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Thanks for the kind comments. ^^

The "lava base" is actually very simple - I just made a circle of greenstuff signs on it and then filled the space in between with the gravel/pva glue mix. Then the characters were painted to give them fiery glow (casting light on the nearby gravel)... but I think the picture makes it look a bit better than it really is.

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Very nice. Excellent creativity and research. I like the color choices, but the skin tone doesn't seem as highlighted as the rest - must be tough with the black/brown color. Also the hair seems kind've flat - it really stands out against the awesome red and blue shading.

Overall excellent though.

The skin color is in the realm of painting very dark colors and that's something I'm still learning. I didn't want it to become chalky, so I went very easy with the highlights. However, since the shaded areas are pitch-black and the brown-reddish hint shows only on the shoulders, hands and other exposed parts, the highlight looks a bit better in real life than on my pictures.

I also wanted sort of an effect you see on black egyptian statuetes - that is to say the clothes and ornaments are very bright and visible, while the skin is so black it's almost a reflective surface. Obviously on the pictures that makes the skin details look flat.

The hair have also been hit by my camera's defficiency. They are somewhat flatter on the Terror Tots, because they are more like flames and adding shade to light kind of kills the effect. On the Young Nephilims however the hair are more formed and properly shaded and on Lilith and Mature Nephilim they are quite normal hairs. Perhaps it is the bright color, in contrast with the skin, that makes them look a bit flattish.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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