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N is for Noob :)


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Hey im fairly new to this game(havent bought an mini's yet) but been looking into it for about a month,i recently stopped painting for school reasons and i need to get back into it.

I like Malifaux because there no DICE!!! the deck of cards is an awesome idea and the few models u need is great im a former Warmachine player and 40k player so kinda have experience but not much.

I live in Tempe,Arizona and i was wondering if anyone that lives close could maybe give me a demo PM me if you have the time.

i think its called Cult of December and Som'er teeth jones/gremlins those 2 are my favorite and Ramos is pretty cool and has some good character to the models.

Thanks for all the help you give me. :)

Edited by Grimmark
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Welcome to the game.

For primer, I have recently switched over to black duplicolor after years of hearing how great it is. It's an automotive primer and really bonds well to the metal, holds up well.

I strongly recommend picking up the rule book as a first priority. It will help you learn the game and give you a great overview of all the factions and models (even some still not released). I asked plenty of newbie questions when I first got into the game, but if you at least read the rules it will help you ask much better questions.

Even with errata so far... For all the information, fluff, and model pics (to help give ideas how to paint your minis someday) the book is hands down a great value for the enjoyment/value you'll get out of it.

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What is the primary diffrence in gesso vs using white or black spray, or even using white or black acrylics?

I've noticed on several models as of late, my base coat(painted on, not sprayed) receeding as I've painted it on. I'm not sure if it's paint, if it's the paint not adhering due to something(Glue, Ready-Set), or what. Anyone had these issues as well?

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The thing people like about Gesso is the ability to use it in the Winter so they can prime models indoors, etc.

As far as your paint shrinking, for lack of better words, could be because of the primer, lack of primer, or the paint.

I would ask which primer are you using? Which paint line?

You may also want to wash the models once assembled to get the cast grime off the models. (Wash as in dish soap and toothrbush)

I know the Gesso primer Shrinks once applied but that is what people seem to like.

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