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Chev Chelios

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Yeah, we really need more physical store presence in our area. 1 Store all the way over in Grapevine is just not enough.

Yeah.I have noticed that there are fewer and fewer independent stores here.There is Area-51,Generation X and Y2 Komics.I think thats it, right? I think it is more difficult to get your foot in at one of the "Corporate" stores like Hobbytown or Lonestar.

I just wonder how many play here and don't get on the forums so,you have no way to connect.Look at the player locator and you see two in this area.That can't be right.

Look at Infinity.Possibly the best SciFi game out there and there is next to nothing here.Area-51 handles a little of it but,everything gets pushed aside for 40k/FB and Warmachine/Hordes.

I am originally from Amarillo Texas.There were two stores there and we as gamers controlled what was played in those stores.I don't know if the same goes on down here or not.

I can just hope that Malifaux finds its niche and becomes more popular,if not then by the time it fades then gamers here will see it and then it will be too late.

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I still plan on talking to some of the local Lonestar shops about playing Malifaux there. And the Hobbytown on the tollway supposedly has that open gaming night on Thursday. I bet if we showed up we could probably play. It's just tough for me to get away on a Thursday evening. Saturday or Sunday is about the only time I have free.

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Same here. Even when I didn't have a lot of family resposibilities,I only played on the weekends.

I think Lonestar is a better choice.If you can get past the company policy of you can't play what we don't sell.They did it when they had GW product only the first time.Then when they had Privateer Press product.Now its GW product again.Seems like a bad businees plan.I would think they would want people in their store regardless.I had heard that they had a deal with GW to sell just their product and not sell anything that competes.

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Well, I have some good news. I went to Hobbytown and LoneStar today and found out some stuff. First, Hobbytown does not have a formal Malifaux gaming time, but Wednesday evenings are open gaming night and the first Saturday of each month is open gaming day. Both of those days are first come first serve and they only have 5 tables.

But, it turns out that the LoneStar Comics in Plano (it's at Independence and Parker) actually sells Malifaux now, and they are planning on kicking off Malifaux gaming. The only downside is that it is going to be on Monday evenings. They have a facebook page where you can sign up (I'm about to become a fan now) and they are going to release the details.

Even though I don't need any more Malifaux crews, I picked up a Lilith starter set just to give them props for selling Malifaux stuff.

Not sure if it's okay to post their facebook account, but it's lonestarcomicsplano.

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No idea. I did not ask about the other stores. My hope is that they will start on Monday nights (their miniature night) but maybe they will expand to another night. Right now it looks like it will be from 4:30 to 7:00 on Monday nights.

I'm also considering going to Hobbytown the first Saturday in May to try and do some demo games to show off Malifaux.

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Well, I have some good news. I went to Hobbytown and LoneStar today and found out some stuff. First, Hobbytown does not have a formal Malifaux gaming time, but Wednesday evenings are open gaming night and the first Saturday of each month is open gaming day. Both of those days are first come first serve and they only have 5 tables.

But, it turns out that the LoneStar Comics in Plano (it's at Independence and Parker) actually sells Malifaux now, and they are planning on kicking off Malifaux gaming. The only downside is that it is going to be on Monday evenings. They have a facebook page where you can sign up (I'm about to become a fan now) and they are going to release the details.

Even though I don't need any more Malifaux crews, I picked up a Lilith starter set just to give them props for selling Malifaux stuff.

Not sure if it's okay to post their facebook account, but it's lonestarcomicsplano.

Did they have a full stock at Lonestar?

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Went by the Plano store.They had very little but,the manger has a great attitude.He said all store carried a little Malifaux.The Mesquite store has the most.More than likely,its just starter sets,which is understandable.

I had no idea that Area 51 had a tourney this weekend either.Wonder what their stock is like?

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  • 6 months later...

Hello there Chev!

I'm actually in Fort Worth, and just picked up the rulebook yesterday. I have a bit of a hectic schedule between school, work, and significant other, and you'd kinda have to..you know...teach me (never played miniatures before), but if you are looking for someone to game with occasionally I'd be willing to learn.


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My area has about 4-5 malifaux players, myself included. 2-3 of which are new to the game. In addition at least two at my local store have bought a starter box for the purpose of painting it up, and are interested in getting into the game as well when they have some extra spare time.

I'm running demo games every chance I get. Already there are 2-3 others slowly coming into the game (of which one has already ordered his starter box and another seems serious about getting his once he has a bit of spare cash). We're setting up a tourney come october 30th using the halloween scenarios from last and this year. Those of us with extra crews are lending them out to those with none, to get them extra hooked.

Soon as my Ortegas are painted up, I'm submitting my henchman application. I've already run about 10 demo games, and I'm currently working on the first of, most likely, several custom terrain setups for malifaux.

So my reply would be this:

For a small(ish) game like Malifaux, expect to do some groundwork if you want a player base bigger than 1-2 people.

For a great game like Malifaux, expect it to catch on pretty well once people try it out.

Apart from being cheap, the low model count is also a big selling point to the people who hate painting (who only have to slap paint on 5-10 models instead of 50-100) and those who love painting (who can lovingly lavish attention on the details of a few models, rather than needing to get that regiment of 35 identical models done. I don't care how inspiring a model is, painting more than 4-5 of it, tops, is a chore)

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I had a similar situation when I started playing Malifaux, everyone was too into Warmachine/hammer/40k to really care. So I bought a few crews so I could loan them to people to play and it worked somewhat. When you show people that you "honestly" only need a starter to get a great game (as opposed to other games when the "starter" games are a it rubbish) there's been a lot more interest. At the moment we've still only got two hard-core Malifaux players (hi sholto) but the more we play it the more people are getting interested.

I guess my advice would be to get another faction starter and let people use them, slowly but surely they'll come around. Consider yourself a pusher, pushing crack. Tasty, tasty Malifaux-crack.

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