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I saw the thread over in the Guild about auto-includes, and figured I'd see what people thought in my faction. Do we have any models that are solid auto-includes (or close to that) for the Neverborn? I've only played a handful of games, so I'm wondering what people consider the best values in our faction.

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Well, It probably depends on what Master you're running, but the Convict Gunslinger is kinda like the color black, he goes well with everthing. Brings some ranged ability to the Neverborn who tend to be lacking in that department.

Also, I have a friend who will not field Pandora without Hamelin. He works well with her since the two of them can stack on Wp duels and inflict a lot of damage with Sorrows around your target. Also, Obey is good for keeping targets where you need them to be to keep maximum damage on them.

And, Teddy and Kade are built for each other. If you can take them both, it's a good idea.

Those are the only ones I know. Hope it helps.

P.S. @Csonti What's wrong with you?:rolleyes:

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I have no tips for this BUT I have to note that your avatar pic is disturbingly seductive. Exchange it for an old, bald, unwashed male, thx! :)

Ha! Sorry to disturbingly seduce you. :)

Neverborn is kinda hard to do this sort of topic with because as mentioned the 3 Masters are really unique and need totally different types of minions to operate.

That was the impression I was getting too, but I wanted to check to see what others thought. I find I have a hard time slotting in something that works well for everyone.

Except the Mature Nephlim. That thing is a beast no matter where it sits. Of course, I don't feel comfortable calling it a good value at 10 points, even if I think it's worth it.

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I dont know, I havent been playing Neverborn for very long but I think that the doppelganger is a pretty solid bet for any of the three masters. The problem is he is 8 points which can put a hurt on things like Bad Juju or the Cade/ teddy combo. But the shapeless form ability is nice, letting you steal multiple abilities per turn. The -1 to all initiative flips is also a great thing to have in any crew you are running. This is just my thought though, he is pretty costly but he packs a punch and is pretty tough.

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