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dgraz's painting thread


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It reminds me of an old White Dwarf article, "You May Have Won, But My Army Looks Better". Not to cast aspersions on your generalship, but you'll ALWAYS have that to fall back on!:thumb:

Yeah, I mentioned that earlier. I can't play for shit so I hope to dazzle my foe so they can't focus on strategy. :creep:

Thanks for the comments. Practice makes perfect.

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Here's a couple things I'm doing for a commission.

I looked at several urban camo themes then combined a couple that I liked for the Peacekeeper.



I'm not a big fan of OSL. I have no problem doing it, but I'm so big into the little freehand-type things that I don't like taking away that detail with a big splash of light. So I did Sonnia's fire base like a green-mystical fire that I can say, more absorbs light than sheds it, which is part of why I went so dark toward the tips of the flames.


C&C always welcome.

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Right here - check out the Chronicles Volume 2, pg 60. I read that then duplicated it to make my flames. I can tell you that for now. Tomorrow I'll grab my paints out of the car (it's 2:00 AM right now) so I can get the color names correct and I'll run through it.

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I started the flames with a white base. Then I took GW Billous Green watered down about 50/50 and painted that all over. When dry I hit it again with that mix in a semi-haphazard way to make sure lighter bits showed through in random places. I repeated those two steps with GW Scorpian Green and Snot Green - each time leaving more of the lighter colors alone toward the bottom - with just some random touches here and there by the bottom (to get the flickering look). Finally I hit the very tips of the flames and gave a very few touches in random places (trying to follow mostly where the darker colors were) with GW Dark Angels Green.

Thats it. Hope it helps.

Good painting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the completion of my commission work. I know I showed Sonnia earlier but I figured since she completed the crew...

The fire in the background was just made from sculpey clay - just quick work to use for her flame wall spell.


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They look great.

So, as dgraz mentions, this was for a commission. I am actually the buyer, as I have tried painting and don't enjoy it. Let me just say that he does a great job -- I have received some of the work already and it's fantastic. People I play with are truly impressed, but you can get a lot of that from the pictures.

If anyone else is in the same boat I am, I'd definitely recommend considering working with dgraz. He has a pretty darn fast turnaround, does great work, is very responsive, and as far as commissions go is not that expensive. I had originally ordered these (and a few other things) awhile back, and once he got the figures work was underway!

Very pleased :)

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LOL. These almost express how I feel looking at your minis dgraz.

Seriously, from the executioners freehand tat, to Rasputina's gorgeous snowflakes, to the Green flames on Sonnia's base (and the flame markers), to the snow cerberus tiger, and especially your elven fleet ...

Simply awesome!

I wish I could freehand like that.

Sir, you rock. :notworthy

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@Lucidicide - thanks man. It was a pleasure doing the work for you and I'm glad your pleased - can't wait to see what you think of the Peacekeeper when you get it.

@theHman - I think I'm blushing. Thanks for your words. It took years of practice to get to that point - I think I was painting for about 8 years before I started to do lots of freehand stuff. Keep practicing.

Happy Painting!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, been awhile since I posted so here is some stuff I've been working on.

To save space I'm just putting one shot of each up, but there are other angles on my photobucket page so just click the picture.

First up is the new Hordes Dire Troll Bomber that I painted for a commission:


And then, here's a bunch of Guild stuff that I had to re-do for myself since I sold a bunch of my originally painted stuff - and of course I had to paint them a little differently from the originals:



C&C always welcome. Hope you enjoy.

Happy Painting!!


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Looks good! I like the originals better, but I might be biased.

I like that blue on the Witchlings, I'll be interested to see a similar Sonnia, if you're doing one.

Ha! Thanks. Sonnia will be similar but it'll be a while before I get to her, or any other personal stuff - I'm all booked up for a while with commissions - which is a good thing.

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