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Is Alyce really a must?????


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I know that alyce works wonders in a leveticus crew but is she really a must,With me just starting a Leveticus crew(havent played any games with him yet),i have enough models to make each game different and challenging for my opponent who plays neverborn(and rasputina,and possibly another player who uses viktoria),but in a standard 30ss game she takes up a fair few points which could be used for something else,dont get me i think she is good but should i put her in all of my lists?????



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Well the long and short answer is, she is very useful for him. Can he win without her? 100% yes!

Her single biggest benefit to Levy is Something to Live for, giving him 2 cards to draw during the draw card phase. But you can get by without this, you just have to carefully ration your hand and abuse Levy's Disciplined Caster trigger (you should on every cast).

She provides about 8ss worth of damage and power to the field, so finding something better then her is going to be a bit hard. Bag of Tricks is a nice little icing for her, but mostly thats to keep her alive. Her spells can be amazing, but again maybe thats not what your looking for for your 8 ss.

Really what you will lose by taking her out is another source of SPA's (yes her spell is a terrible bargain for it, but it still gives you one), some card draw for Levy, Reactivate for one of your constructs, and a nasty ranged model. She has one of the best guns in the game as well, and headshot can be a mean trick to pull near the end of a turn.

So over-all, yes you can do without her. Heck you may do better without her, she isn't a must include and isn't a crutch Levy has to stand on. She simply works very well with him.

Im curious though, what would you take with him instead of her?

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Hmmm the Hooded Rider, I always forget he is a construct.

Well he is certainly a much quicker threat, though he is melee only and offers no support abilities. His Passage of Time can make him a ranged unit hunter, a debuffer, or a straight up damage machine. He is rather fast, Mounted Combat letting him move and strike like mad. My issue with him is the same one I have with Teddy, no melee expert so it makes him a bit slow on the damage. He atleast has Mounted Combat to counter that effect, but still, I have only haveing 1 attack on a charge D=.

He is an intersting substitue for Alyce, basically switching in quick melee damage for a ranged supporter. Its worth a try ^^. Though you may not need the melee since you already have the SPA's and thusly the Desolation Engine ;D.

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One of the things that attracted me to it was that the SPA's can keep pace with him,thus getting them up field faster(i may be wrong,i dont have the book with me at the mo,so i cant look it up),but with his ability with not bieng able to be shot at along with the SPA's version of the rule,the should be able to make it up field quicker and safer.

like i said before,it probably wont work,but i really want to try it.



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The thing about alyce is that she provides a levi list with a lot of things that it likes to have or even straight out lacks.

1) Good shooting. Not many levi lists have this, so Alyce is valuable in that respect. Her shooting is pretty damn respectable between her CB, triggers, and damage potential.

2) She can take care of herself. With booby traps et al, she can take care of herself. Put her in some cover and then use her zero spells to apply to any given situation, and she's a piece that levi doesn't need to worry about much.

3) Draw power. I cannot underestimate this. It's probably the number one reason i take her. And not only just from her proximity mechanic - "nothing to live for" is a great draw mechanic as well.

4) Alternate source of SPA generation - excellent to keep your weenie engine going, but need Leveticus to be doing other things this turn.

5) Another caster with 7 CA (remember, she gets levi's CA when with him), which helps her cast her spells.

Is she a "must"? Well, no, you are not compelled to take her. However at 8 points, for all the things she does for leve, and the amount of holes she helps fill in, she is a bargain and a half for leve. There is a very, very good reason that for any other master other than Ramos she costs ten. She's a really well rounded piece with a lot of potential.

So no, she's not a must, because she's not compulsory, but I can't imagine playing leve without her. It seems like it would make the game much more difficult without really returning any net positive result.

Additionally - exactly what will you add to a leve list for 8 points that will add more to it than Alyce will, that also won't be redundant in some way ? :)

-- haight

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There is a very, very good reason that for any other master other than Ramos she costs ten.

Actually I thought that Ramos was the only other master she can work for, since he's the only other Scavenger master to the best of my knowledge. Also, she would cost 10SS for him because he's outside of her faction (Outcasts).

Really, Leveticus gets an awesome deal with her, where as Ramos just gets a decent deal. ;)

EDIT: Also, on the subject of the OP, in my proxy games I found that her card drawing mechanics were priceless and well worth the 8SS. She's a good all-round model anyway, with a decent CB on her gun and great damage potential, plus great survivability with her (0) action shenanigans.

Her additional cards usually gave me the high card I needed to sit on to ensure that Black Betty kept coming back for more!! :spider:

Edited by n0signal
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