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What to use at the event on Sunday...


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I just inherited the Resurectionists...coming from Guild. So, I have 0 games, only theory and observing them losing. So...I need to see what to use this weekend. My pool is both of Saemus and McMourning boxes + Punk Zombies. Proxies are allowed, and McMourning is my favorite, but I have a feeling that Saemus will be easier to pickup quick.


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I'd agree that Seamus is the more straight forward master, so you may want to start with him. He can take a beating and dish it right back. McMourning takes a tad more time to really get a hold of. But as far as army composition, it really depends on the strategy. Belles and punks, whichever works best for what you need done. Couple of canine remains can't hurt to fill points.

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Well, the event is 1 list thru the day, random scenarios...so balance will be key. What about a Totem? Worth it with him?

That depends.

His Copycat Killer totem is good for throwing Seamus out there and switching places with him.

So if you have Seamus run out and grab a treasure counter or something similar, activate the Copycat, switch places with him, then have it put a slug into something.

I've also heard good things about using a Grave Spirit to give Sybelle Armor 2. ;)

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Yeah, the last game I won was Treasure hunt. I had Sybelle snag the treasure, and then I nailed her once with the Hanged's Hangman's Knot to push her 4" closer, and then she got lured to about 4" away from the DZ. All that in one turn. Next turn, she walked in and took a nap.

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Well, the plethora of Wp checks that they provide are amazing. Top that off with a spell that has no Rst as long as you have a 6+ :malimasks in your hand , and does 1/2/4 damage that's cheatable. Furthermore, if you can nail a master with the second spell whose name eludes me, you can keep them from healing for the rest of the game, meaning that they can only prevent wounds if need be.

Also, it has the ability to penalize WP checks, and I believe Ressers use WP the most next to Pandora, so it builds well with those strengths.

Give it a shot, see how you like it.

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Well that makes sense. I guess I need to get out of the shear mower mindeset of guild because Bette also seems not so AMAZING to me...sure she can bury and remurge, but 4 WD? And Nico and his mindless zombie swarms...the opponent gets to control those too...Im kinda lost in this plethora of new'ness. I get the casters...its a few other things I need to grip.

For the event I am thinking of saemus' box+Grave Spirit or Copycat Killer+Convict Gunslinger. Will leave my with 7/6 SS.

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Ressurectionists are a little harder to play than most other crews IMO.

At the start, you are instantly spoiled in how hard they can be to take down and the Slow To Die on everyone is an invitation to be reckless. But you still have to emply a little wit and finese to ensure you win a lot of the Strategy/Location combos topped off with who you're up against.

Last night I played vs Rasputina in a mutual Slaughter strategy and I had:



Grave Spirit


Flesh Construct

Punks x2

Rasputina took the Sabotage scheme and easily blocked off the terrain piece with pillars and hid behind them.

Had it not been for Sebastions 3"(H) Dg 4 spell, the game would have been a tie at best for me since I wasn't packing a whole lot of readily Dg4 attacks.

Without Sebastian, I would have had to spend 1 or 2 rounds commiting to taking out the pillars to march in with the whole crew, or line everything up to take out one pillar and send in McMourning in all his own for a round via Scalpel Slingin' which avoids having to take damage from the hazardous terrain of a busted pillar.

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The list with the gunslinger is nice. Our Res player has been doing well with Seamus, Sybille, 2 Belles, and 2 Punk Zombies. Lure the opponent into charge range or melee range of the punk zombies.

Another nice tactic for Treasure Hunt is to use the 6" move the Belles have while Seamus is around, grab the treasure, and then have Sybille Call Belle to push the Belle within 6" of her. The 6" between her and the DZ.

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Well I am taking Saemus, even painted him (and for the Rez community, I must say it is my best work in my 6 years of minis!)

The list will be either:

Crew Cost: 25/30 Remaining: 5 Soulstones: 7

Seamus, the Mad Hatter 2

Grave Spirit 1

Madame Sybelle 6

Rotten Belle 4

Rotten Belle 4

Rotten Belle 4

Convict Gunslinger 6

Or the other option was to drop the Gunslinger and a Belle for 2 Punk Zombies to pack more punch. I think I prefer the Belle Gunslinger list. Also, I am still kinda up in the air of which Totem to take. The Copycat can put a cap in someone, and fall back, or take Saemus' place if he's in trouble, or do some tricks with scenarios. Then the Grave Spirit on Sybelle can give me a good beat stick that just won't die. I am thinking the Spirit, as it's benefits are static and the Copycat needs to cast high for his benefits to the army.

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The list looks good but I don't know if I'd run 3 belles. They're nice for luring and lowering defense, but if you run into anything that can negate it or has high WP you're in a trouble. At 30 stones I generally run 2 belles, 2 punk zombies, the convict, and sybelle. It only leaves me 2 SS but I haven't had a problem yet. There usually aren't any opponents left on the board after turn 5.

The other problem with 3 belles and sybelle is that the only killing power you have is the convict and seamus. The convict can be taken down fairly quickly, and while Seamus is a tough bugger it only takes a turn of dedicated fire to down him (and when the only thing you have to worry about is being hit with umbrellas I'd take a turn to just pop Seamus).

Just my two cents, but the raw killing power of two punk zombies will never let you down.

edit: I've never played with the copy cat killer, he may help, but his combat is so low I wouldn't rely on him for a lot of hitting power...

Edited by Mandoryan
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