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How long does it take you to play a game?

Kaptain O

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I have been playing 25-30ss games and they seem to take a loooong time, maybe it's that we are still learning the rules, or the various holes in the rules or the many many options offered every time you get to activate but games have been going for 90-120mins I would say. I'd much rather a game of that size take about half that 45-60 mins has anyone found their game times approaching that for 25-30ss games?

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Wow, 90-120 minutes seems excessive for 25-30 stones. We've been firing them out in 45-60 minutes, with 35-40 stones taking about 75-90 minutes. I don't think i've had a single malifaux game go two hours yet.

Is there a lot of rule referencing in the book, double checking rules, hemming and hawing going on KO ? I only ask because evne my first 25 point game didn't take 90 minutes, and I was using Leveticus (and thus reading his rules every 10 seconds or so). :D

What seems to be holding up the games more than anything, out of curiosity ?

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Well, remembering and looking up rules will alleviate itself with experience.

However when the rules don't cover something, that can bring play to a screeching halt. It's not the ideal answer, but posting rules questions here (and hopefully getting word back swiftly) will decrease the frequency those kinds of things crop up.

Hemming & Hawing.... ugh. Yah, nothing is going to alleviate a non-commital opponent.

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Our 1st 3 player game ran about 3.5 - 4 hours, but we were learning as we were going. Didn't really drag on though, it was fun the whole way through. The alternating activations definately help with the fun factor, but I can see it slowing things down if you have a player with analysis paralysis.

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