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Lilith VS Marcus . Man this game is brutal.


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35 SS game diagnal deployment in das bog. The terrain that wasn't severe was hazerdous (we set up Forrest and placed these really cool carniverous plant resin models the store has in the center of them) claim stake was the scenario I took kidnap a second claim stake and eye for an eye as my others.

The lists were


Mature neph


5x terror tots

His list.


The chick?


Sabertooth bighead


I got the go ahead and moved hamlin up then made two of my tots obey for the extra charge movement.

He activates marcus and tunnels a mole in BtB.

The rest of the turn is me flinging my tots up with sprint and the mature neph carrying lylith then transporting a that move 28' with herself and dropping a Forrest.

So much went on this game I will try my best to describe it. The majority of the turns were marcus moving up and howling and me baiting his nasties with tots. Once I drew them out of howl range I would either A.transport them near a table edge and bounce them off via pipers lure or B. switch out what ever model he had on the claim with a tot and then brood another into the claim when the first one died, then slaughtering that model with Lilith or the mature neph.

It was a blood bath I played really well and got a red joker on the damage flip when I walked Lilith into combat with marcus splat.

It was a complete rout winning 10-0 but he promised I would be seeing a lot more perdita/bishop from now on.

Edited by Superskull666
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Given your report it seems like you think Marcus wasn't really up to the task of facing Lilith. Is that the case? I know Lilith is a monster in melee, but Marcus can be quite tough himself. Also, Marcus has a number of useful abilities to support his crew. So, what do you think accounts for the pasting? Your opponent suggested that it was a flaw in Marcus (hence why he'll run Perdita, et al.), but might it have been something else? For example, do you think the scenario favored Lilith's style over Marcus'? Or, might your opponent have made a few fatal mistakes?

The reason I ask is I wanted to know whether Marcus is really underpowered in relation to Lilith, or is it really that he's a more difficult master to play? What have others found in their Marcus vs. Lilith match-ups?

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Sounds nasty, a meatier account would be nice though. I'm always curious to read about Lilith ( I fear her)

To be fair it didn't sound like your mate was used to Marcus, he should be moving about all over the place, he takes time to get right. Tell him to stick with him! Also, some Silurids are great for speed or Joss for pure brutality! You only need 1 mole man to soak up damage, they're a bit crap other than that!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just played Marcus vs the Victorias. It was a rough match up as I had to do treasure hunt and my treasure was smack in the middle of a bridge in the middle of the board. It created a bottle neck that I had to go into in order to get my "treasure." I did successfully sabotage his supply wagon, but he massacred my entire crew. If we had been playing in a tournament I probably could have run away and made the vps a draw - but what fun is that?

I think Marcus can be VERY competative. I love taking over an opponent and activating them! Unfortuantely I was not able to manuver nearly effectively enough to use all of the tools in my crew.


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