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Where is Nathan and why aren't you replying to my PM's or e-mails ..

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Hey folks,

I've had a fair number of folks trying to contact me over the last week or two and I've been pretty sporadic in answering anything of late due to several reasons, most which involve moving to a new facility to house Wyrd and its products, sorting, cleaning and packaging and generally just getting everything on track which has been run-run with Wyrd since well before Gencon.

Careful what you wish for. Always heard it, never really understood it till recently. But seriously, no complaints here.

In the mean time, I'm making headway through replies and responses and for folks that might have something missing like cards or a zombie arm we are getting caught back up on those as well (we caught up about a week and a half back, then got buried in work again). Don't worry though, you haven't been forgotten or brushed off, just needing to surface for air a bit before diving right back into it which we're hard at (today has been a 17 hour Wyrd day .. I'm a bit ragged around the edges).

Again, thank you all, my apologies if anyone has felt ignored, and expect that life will be back to normal (or the new normal that is) very shortly.


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Good GOD Nathan! Nice to see you guys are keeping up on stuff....dont forget to take a breather once in a while. That sounds strangely reminicent of Privateers early problems. You guys have gotten caught up with things faster than they did tho so Kudos to you all. ...and get some sleep man you look like hell ;)

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Hah, well if anyone is in the Woodstock, GA area and wants a part time (likely moving into a full time very soon) job doing cleaning/sorting/packaging y'all just drop me an e-mail at nathan@wyrd-games.net and we'll talk shop as we are hiring some folks for that here very shortly.


Again my apologies for the delays folks, I know for some of you it has irked you to no end but we're digging out and moving forward, promise!

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In the mean time, I'm making headway through replies and responses and for folks that might have something missing like cards or a zombie arm we are getting caught back up on those as well (we caught up about a week and a half back, then got buried in work again). Don't worry though, you haven't been forgotten or brushed off...

I don't think you're close to getting caught up at all...

I sent an email for my cards on 8/27, you replied on 9/4 that they were "in the post." I sent another email on 9/17 saying that I'd never gotten them. i've had no reply since, and I still don't have my stat cards.

I did finally play the game using photocopies of the stats from the book. I am extremely pleased with it, and after declaring to never buy into another mini's game, I am willing to take back that promise for Malifaux... so, pretty please, don't make me regret that choice.


NOTE: I've emailed a copy of this to Nathan as well.

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I'm going to assume this post was with good humor and a smile. :)

If I send you an e-mail saying 'in the post', then we've dropped it in the post, it certainly isn't a ploy to make people think we've sent something along and aren't going to bother doing so. That said, I have no control over the post, how long they take to get something there, or if they even bother to get it there. Heck, sent out Robyn's (Dragonlady) here a bit back and they showed up at the shop again saying 'address unknown - return to sender', of course the other two packages got there in good order.

I don't have time right now to respond to each and every e-mail, I'm just too busy. I'm still putting in 14 hour days minimum and dealing with daily life as well, so if I'm a bit slow in responding, or it gets put to the back burner for a few days, I can only apologize. We'll get to it, and as with everything of that nature we'll give you a heads up of 'in the post'.

Whether you regret Malifaux or not is a personal choice, I know some folks love it, some like it, others are ambivalent, and even a few out there that outright hate it. I do try to make certain everyone is happy and usually if there is a problem I even go out of my way to make certain they get something extra for the trouble - but in the end, only so much we can do and we hope that in the end, its enough.

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I feel for ya Nathan. After last week, particularly keenly.

I know it's only words typed on the internet but to anybody concerned abotu the quality of Wyrd as a business I can only say this. They give every impression of being a company that loves what they do and has just (perhaps shockingly) discovered way more people than they thought love what they do too... That put them in the nice but hard spot of having way more work to do than resources available to do it. Great for a start up business, very hard on the workers at a start up business. I just got a box from them and sadly had a couple bits missing. I let Nathan know and that's the end of it to me. I'm not likely number one on his list, I may not even be near the top. But I trust that I am high enough that they will get to me in not very long. No worries. In the mean time my gremlin is going to have to hit his opponent with a stick instead of a banjo... hmmmmm... there has got to be a banjo wacking joke in there somewhere...

I understand there are relatively few people at Wyrd but I was suprised to find Nathan himself filled my last order... There is a reason his pic says Da Boss... and he's doing whatever he has to to moove the merch, including filling orders, packing and shipping. Ya gota love a boss who isn't afraid of real work. :)

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Having had my wish to work for a 'Game Company' come true years ago - It was truly a thing of be careful what you wish for... I worked like a dog and loved it.

Nathan & all of you at Wyrd (behind the scenes, at home and what not) are doing a fantastic job in my opinion.

I'm just trudging thru year end contracts with work and am just now getting back to my hobby. Things should level off for me in mid Oct.

And Wyrd is everything I've wanted out of a mini-game and more! ;)



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I'm going to assume this post was with good humor and a smile. :)

Thanks for responding...

I did attempt to write the post with good humor, however I'm an angry man who was disappointed. I had to trash 3 write-ups (complete with shaking fists and furrowed brows) just to not sound like a complete wanker, because I do understand that having just released a highly anticipated game, you're going to be very busy.

Is there, per chance, anyone at the ol' office sittin' around with their finger up their nose I could attempt to get to re-send the cards I'm missing?

Having played with photocopies from the book, the paper takes up too much space on my meager playing surface (no, seriously), and I had to bend the book in ways as to make it "less valuable" to me (I'm a bit of a prude when it comes to the condition of my games).

That being said, the game is amazing! Having given up miniatures games after the drastic and insulting changes of Confrontation... Malifaux caused some kind of brain-gasm, and despite my disappointment in the lack of cards (yes yes, the post office screwed up, I do understand), I'm still trying to recruit players because I truely want, nay NEED, to play more (I've snared one player, and will attempt for two more this week).

Again, thanks for responding... I'll send another email if I haven't gotten my cards after the second month has passed.

Now quit working 14 hour days, and go take some time off... you deserve it.

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Well, I've thumb currently occupied but the nose is free for the moment. :)

You'll have some cards out again end of the week sir. Would do it immediatly except I'm in smother state at the moment.

I do appreciate it! However... today I got the cards in the mail. Dated 9/5, just like your email, the envelope has lots of black lines going across it as if the thing got stuck in a post office sorting machine for quite some time. The innards are completely unharmed, so there's no need to send them again.

And the part that makes me feel really bad is the nice, hand written, personalized note from Vickey saying "Thank you for your patience." Oh, if only she'd known, it probably would have just been a big middle finger aimed at me.

So, thank YOU Nathan (and Vickey) for your patience. And I apologize for all my inappropriate outbursts. If you do happen to send new cards without seeing this, I promise I'll send them back.


PS: I've schnookered two more people into buying the game tonight... I think I can get one more too.

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Nathan, I'm one of the emails in the queue, and you just get to me whenever you can :)

I've said this other places, but you guys have some of the nicest forum participants of any site I've experienced, gaming or otherwise. It is nice to see that continuing.

Looking forward to writing some articles about this game ;)


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To Team Wyrd from Da Boss down,

I for one believe that you are all men/women of your word and hope that you benefit from all the hard work you are putting in at the minute.

Taliesin's tale is a familiar one from lots of different companies forums, but none seem to have the regular outcome of 'job done, as promised' feeling that I get reading posts on here.

I dont know how many there are in Team Wyrd, but I guess its not many and to keep up with the manic demands of your followers for minis, rules queries, info on new products, appearance at major shows etc, you must all be fried. It was commented at the LGS that very seldom do you see the boss man posting on the forum saying hi to newcomers and it shows the commitment you all have.

many congrats on making Malifaux a succesful launch, long may it continue.

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Just to keep the world informed...

I did purchase another boxed set from my local FLGS yesterday (the last one they had, too), and was fully prepared to wait a full month until ranting about getting the stat cards.

But when I sat down at my computer and opened the box to get the little card out for sending the email, much to my surprise, I pulled out some stat cards instead!

Needless to say, I am very pleased... I'd go give everyone at Wyrd a kiss, but that would be quite awkward.

You guys are doing a bang up job! I'm glad I stumbled upon this game, and hope to find many years of happiness with it.

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