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Guild Witchling Stalkers


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4 days weekends are great for painting… :)

I have some down time this weekend with a daughter feeling a bit under the weather and wanting to stay home, not to mention the rain has been coming down all week. So we decided to stay at home and paint together.

Again, keeping with the “speed painting” technique of getting them on the table rather than trying to win painting contests, here are the latest Guild models finished. A trio of Witchling Stalkers.






Up next will be Sonnia and Sam Hopkins. I hope to get them started today and finished tomorrow with the day off due to the holiday!


Edited by Pensfan
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Not a lot of drybrushing really, but instead of doing 7-8 layers of colors, blending them in, etc. For these speed painting figs I just do 3 different colors (shadow, base, highlight) and ink/wash them. The other thing I will do instead of following the folds of robs, face lines, etc exactly, I will give quick short brush strokes to give the illusion of creases, etc.

From a distance, the figs look solid, up close they look a bit rough.

Thanks for the compliments though! The point is to get them on the table and playing, not painting for weeks on end and never playing with them.


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The point is to get them on the table and playing, not painting for weeks on end and never playing with them.


The same thought struck me too some time ago ... after noticing that i spent much, much more time at my paintstation than actually playing with the finished pieces ... changed it and had much more fun lately ...

Really nice paintjob btw :D

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Thanks Grim... that is exactly why I changed my style. It is rare that I get more than 2-3 hours per week to paint, so I needed to spend that time as efficiently as possible. Thus the speed painting was born. :)

I have Sonnia painted and based already... just trying to decide what to do with her cards. I removed the cigarette and replaced it with two cards. Right now the cards are just an off-white color.

Trying to work out what to do with them...

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