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Is the ER actually for emergencies these days?

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True, but even accounting for taxes socialized medicine is cheaper then our system. .

It is not cheaper for the healthy people. There are a number of ways to reduce the health care costs, and socializing is not the answer. private insurance funds that are taken from pre-taxed money and reducing the number of items that states require that are mandatory.

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Canadian medicine is not bad medicine and anybody who thinks that IS listening to to much propoganda with not enough actual experience. I dont live there but half my family does. The US half of my family gets alot of Canadian visitors come down for assorted medical stuff but none of it is life threatening or time sensative stuff. I've never heard any of them say they get bad care just that they didn't want to wait however long for whatever the thing they came down for is.

The fact is they come down more to shop at the outlet mall than for surgery.

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First, sorry to hear about your terrible weekend.

ER's are terrible.

I live in Pittsburgh, and ours is OK, but that's probably because we go to a Children's Hospital. I think the longest I've ever waited there with any of my kids is 1 hour to be seen and helped. A visit usually takes 4 hours total. My kids seem to need a lot of stitches because of their shenanigans but no broken bones yet.

When I've had to take my friends in an emergency, it has been very bad. Similar to your experience. Does your pediatrician do emergency hours? Do you have any MedExpress clinics in your area? Those two options have saved us a lot of time and money. We avoid hospitals when we can, even though our insurance covers visits.


I agree with the other posters, somethings gotta give. The current US system stinks. And it takes precious time and money away from family and gaming!

Best Regards,


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