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Question on Som'er Teeth Box set


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I notice in another thread that most boxes are valued around 25SS. My question is how much is the value of Som-er Teeth's box set? The Gremlin's are only 2 SS each so that adds up to 8. The only thing left is the war pig. My assumption from reading details online was that Masters were free and give you a cache of SS if they have a cache. Just curious on this one as it would mean that war pig is really costly. I made an order and added in some piglets and hog whisper just in case the box set was not a round 25SS.


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:( Yeah, the Gremlin box set is a good bit smaller than 25ss. Add a pack of piglets, and you are getting near the 25 mark. The problem is that the gremlin units use a pretty large amount of metal for their point cost, so it would be really cost ineffective to fill up the box set with all the figures that you'd need. I understand that in the Gencon tourney, you'll be filling up the deficit with soulstones.

Edit: this'll all be clear when you get the rules.

Mods: When can I go into the specifics? Today/Thursday/Friday?

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Well, hell, It's supposedly live now.

I'll confirm this when I actually get the rules in this afternoon, but this should be about right: 1 whisperer pack (includes whisperer and piglet), 2-3 packs of piglets (three each in the pack), 1-2 warpigs and Teeth.

I prefer big pig lists though. My current favorite is Teeth, 2x whisperers and 3x warpigs. Teeth, 2x whisperer, 2x warpig, and 4x gremlin isn't bad either. But I'm not a big soulstone user, so you could also do well with a teeth, 1 whisperer, 2x warpig, 4x gremlin 1x piglet, which would be an easy purchase as it'd be the box set, plus a warpig and a whisperer.

Edit: Please ignore suggested lists-- my math was off. the rest of the info's good, though.

Edited by TheLemondropDan
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I've ordered the box, a whisperer and a pack of piglets, was hoping that'd be enough for 25ss games. Hopefully be getting the gremlinette too so she can stand in as another whisperer or standard gremlin (or objective marker!). In time I assumed I'd add another big pig and pack of gremlins but I'm waiting to see the merc options first (or mix with Zoriada for bigger games). Order's not arrived yet, fingers crossed for tomorrow!!! I'm CRACKING UP with the anticipation! :wacko:

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Here's what they cost:

0 - Teeth Jones

2 - gremlin

3 - piglet

8 - Warpig

5 - hog whisperer

You should be fine.

Edit: The warpig seems kinda weak in comparison with the piglet now. 3 soulstones to 8 soulstones, and the only real difference is that it has 7 more wounds? That's pretty harsh. 1/2/3 damage from the warpig? seriously?


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Edit: The warpig seems kinda weak in comparison with the piglet now. 3 soulstones to 8 soulstones, and the only real difference is that it has 7 more wounds? That's pretty harsh. 1/2/3 damage from the warpig? seriously?


The card has it as 2/4/6 while the rulebook has it as 1/2/3. In this case, I'd like to assume the card is correct. Also, it has a ranged weapon and two ways to heal itself while also limiting or removing counters your opponent may be able to use.

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I just checked the card, and yeah, I hope it's just a typo in the book. 1/2/3 is the same damage the Malifaux child does, for crying out loud. I'm sorry for getting a little peeved; I was pretty shocked.

Edit: And I do think the backstory is pretty fun, too. I was sad that there's no Som'er Teeth voodoo doll in the coloring book, but oh well.

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