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Base questions for Malifaux


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Firstly.... sorry if this is a question that's been beaten to death in other threads. There were so MANY about this game and I didn't really know where to start!

Bases for this game.... I want to start painting immediately and I wanted to know if the base size was important in the game, or not so much. Reason being I was going to order some Dragon forge bases and I typically prefer the standard GW style 25mm-ish vs. the round lipped style. If it's important to have them base sized with the size they mini's come with then I'll go for the round lipped ones.

Also.... I know from the figs that it's a crazy ass setting. What kind of battlefield(s) is this game meant to take place on? Would cobblestone bases fit? Perhaps something else? Deserty? I was gonna do my dragon forge order ASAP so I had them for my holiday next week.

Thanks, and I hope these aren't dickhead questions that've been answered a million times over already.


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Not dickhead questions at all.

Yes the base sizes are important. However not all of the bases that the figures come with are the correct ones for the game. (Ramos for example, has a large 50mm base but should be on a 30mm base)

as for setting, Malifaux is a reflection of Earth in a lot of ways. It just has lots of warping magic that is fueled off of death. You should be able to get away with pretty much anything that looks like it is loosely based off of 1930's technology or earlier. You could even add in some odd ethereal floaty bits and the like that can't work with our physics. There is evidence that there is some sort of ancient race that has built some really cool stuff floating about. It's not understood though (And won't be till the fluff gurus step in. *wink wink, nudge nudge!*)

Hope that helps!

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Don't worry about being any sort of obscenity you can think of. I think questions about the game are encouraged because it shows the interest level is there. That doesn't mean they can all be answered to the fullest, however, as some details may be better left for the final release date.

Bases - Malifaux does use particular sized bases for measuring, so it's probably best to keep you bases in the 30, 40, 50mm range. Most all human-sized minis should be based on a 30mm base, I can't think if there are any exceptions to that right off hand. Some miniatures came on a bigger base because they had a separate mini that came with them (Ramos and Rasputina, for example), and even though they may have come with a bigger base, for the game they will typically be on 30mm bases as of right now.

Scenery - Thats still being fleshed out. Your best resource for that is the Wyrd Chronicles. There isn't too much information out right now detailing the landscapes of Malifaux, but from what I understand, its pretty diverse, so you can probably get away with just about anything (maybe not high-tech sci-fi stuff, but heck....you never know).

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Ramos may wind up on a 30mm by the time everything is said and done.

As far as the types of terrain you could put on the bases: think anything Victoriana/Gothic/Western as adequate.

Right now you could base your models on (and where that'd quasi-represent):

cobblestones - city of Mal

rubble - city of Mal

desert - the Wilds

swamp - the Great Swamp

railway - city of Mal

forest - the Wilds

plain ol' grass/ground style - just about anywhere

graveyard - city of Mal/Wilds

plank wood - the Wilds/smaller settlements/city of Mal

...and you'd be fine.

I'm personally torn between trying to find a balance for my bases. I have some based with Wyrd Graveyard inserts, but the others will probably get the cobblestone treatment.

Edited by Keltheos
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