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if only i had finished him sooner for RH! oh well

painted this fella up for the monthly WAMP cpmetition, the theme being flying .

I wanted to create more than just a painted mini like i normally do, i wanted to create a 'feeling' to it. In my head i see the varghulf as pure evil and this to me means darkness so i decided to go with a limited dark pallete. the only colours i used on the piece (base included) were chaos black, fortress grey and some red for the blood and eyes. I really cant paint black and although i always wanted him to look grey rather than black it was some good practice! The blood was done to stand out almost like schindlers list . Emphasising the one things the varghulf craves - blood.

i wanted to make the piece a little hard to make out - almost like its a shadow, this of course made it a bugger to photograph but i've done my best.

I think this is the first piece i have ever done im happy with - not prefect but good enough. hope you like him too





Very nice Darklord.

I love limited pallet pieces. They almost always look more realistic (If they are done well any way)

For this the realism really adds to the horror factor. It's hard to take a fantastic figure that is supposed to be scary seriously when it's candy colored.

Major props man. Too bad you missed RH. This would have done very well indeed.

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