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Some big bastard for AT043, I think.

News Monkey

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1. They're not painted with regular acrylic paints, and Simple Green does virtually nothing to them.

2. Brake Fluid, another common stripper that is safe for plastics, does weird things to Rackham plastic. It makes the surface permanently tacky.

3. Light priming is the best. The pre-paint paint isn't generally so thick as to obscure the detail much, so a light spray works fine.

4. It's also possible to disassemble them relatively easily to make painting easier. Most of the time, just wiggling the parts a bit until the glue releases works fine. For more delicate bits, a soak in hot water will soften the plastic enough to take them apart.

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Brake fluid actually dissolves most plastics in a hurry, so I would avoid that. You could give Castrol Super Clean a shot. I suspect they're being painted with enamels rather than acrylics using airbrushes which is why they're so hard to remove.

Most folks that I know who do repaints of prepainted stuff actually don't reprime, they use a layer of DullCote to seal and give a "tooth" to the model for the acrylic to stick to. Then paint away to your heart's content. Jarrett Lee has done some great AT-43 repaints on his website: http://www.tinctureadept.com/forsale.htm

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Oh, you guys don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Just put the minis in the microwave for no more than 8 minutes.

No more paint!


But, I still don't understand why they wouldn't release painted and 'unpainted' versions. Why not make everyone happy?

Of course, maybe the amount of sales on the unpainted stuff would make them just not feasible.

Tannhauser's parent company TOY, has released unpainted versions of the cool minis, it seems to work out well for them.

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I have never had a problem with brake fluid, other than when I used it on Rackham plastics. I have several ancient (as in, 1987 or so) Space Marine backpacks which have been in my fluid jar for over a year now, and they're fine. I did a bunch of tests with it, as I was going to strip some very old irreplaceable plastic models. I tested Citadel plastics and bases from really old 1980's stuff to mid 90's to current, and nothing was ruined. The only problem I've ever really had with a stripper is Simple Green, which works well, but tarnishes metals.

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You are right Jim : no more than 8 minuates in the micro wave oven and you get a new race for AT 43 : "the blobs".

More seriously this miniature is for a new faction : ONI, I think.

You can find others here :


and there :


They are the best IMO for now but we wil have to wait for ages before they release them, especially in France. Rackham policy is to release new minis in USA before releasing them in France.

Edited by Moavoamoatu
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