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New bust from Artefactory!

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Bloody fantastic!!! I'm getting this one, for sure! Too bad it doesn't seem to be available at their shop yet... But as soon as it is...

This one is sculpted by Maxime Penaud (the same sculptor who did the great little Orc bust for JMD Miniatures that I have in my gallery) and it's rather superbly painted by Jérémie Bonamant.

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Ooo, I like that more than a lot of busts! (I often don't like the area where a bust cuts away from the rest of the body, if it looks jagged and like something is missing. I'm trying to get over it.) Such a lot of character in the face! Though that is such a stunning paint job that it makes me hard to think what I might do instead, so I will probably resist the urge to pick this up. For a while, at least. :->

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  • 3 months later...

Jeremie was selling these to the people who took his class last weekend. Its resin and beautiful. I got to see the painted one posted here up close and man can that guy paint!

I didn't get one because I only had so much money to spend and he had this other mini in 54mm I wanted.


This one was painted already as a pirate boy but he did another copy of it while there (god he paints fast) as Peter Pan. Same mini but looks totally different! I got a coupl of other things as well but I haven't unloaded yet so not sure which box they are in. I'll post them when I find them.

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