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Crocodile Games: Salute Specials

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To-Tanem Artifex


Bathtime for Bubbles


Wendigo Ice Warrior


Wendigo Ice Warrior 2

Our bags are filled to bursting with some of the latest Crocodile Games miniatures! We'll be bringing lots of new miniatures, as well as most of your old favorites.

To-Tanem Artifex with Weapons of Power!

New Wendigo Ice Warriors, sculpted by Ben Siens!

The first wave of the new Pathfinder Fantasy Miniatures.


The Abominable Snowbeast!

New Basti!

Stone Colossus!

And last, the new "Bathtime For Bubbles" mini-diorama, complete with bathing bath, bathing nymph, and her faithful rubber-ducky "Bubbles"! Sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick. (Note: we've had a lot of requests for just the "Bubbles" sprue, with the girl and the rubber ducky, so we'll be bringing a few of these along as well.)

We're bringing lots, but they never seem to last long! Be sure to visit the Croc Booth early, and get 'em while they are hot! We're at booth # TA19, in the rear left corner.

It's no secret that Chris FitzPatrick (the great Space-Noodle of Crocodile Games) has an irrational love of that wondrous Uk confection called "Jaffa Cakes". Bring a box of Jaffa Cakes to Fitz and get a prize -- and his eternal gratitude!

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Yeah, it's a great mini! Have to say though, following that bit of text at the end, that there's nothing irrational about having a great love for Jaffa Cakes! They're one of the best things ever! Are they pretty much UK exclusive, then? I'd be surprised (not often Blighty gets something good, no one else does) but if so I genuinely weep for my cousins across the world.... :(

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Yeah, it's a great mini! Have to say though, following that bit of text at the end, that there's nothing irrational about having a great love for Jaffa Cakes! They're one of the best things ever! Are they pretty much UK exclusive, then? I'd be surprised (not often Blighty gets something good, no one else does) but if so I genuinely weep for my cousins across the world.... :(

I've seen them here in the US (although I may not have seen the term "Jaffa Cake" on the package), but they certainly aren't common.

Now I have to go out and look for them again. I'll have to check tomorrow on my way to work (also need some of the Patak's curry sauces, and unfortunately I can't find them in my regular store).

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I'm not one for going remotely off-topic ( ;) ) but the ol' Jaffs seem to be one of those things in life where only the original company makes the proper stuff and the copies are all cack. Not that I'm a brand whore or anything....

And in the last few years I've tried making my own curries and such without the need for sauces in jars and that.... When I say tried, I mean mastered really... doesn't take much longer either and is far cheaper. Main thing (apart from ingredients) is to cook the curry a day or two before you plan to scoff it, and leave it simmering, like, all day on the day you cook it.... Fry the spices from the beginning with the onions on a low heat, and put some creamed coconut in towards the end of its cooking (helps to bind all the flavours together with no harshness).

Happy to pass on tips, if you want... God knows, I ask enough questions.... :)

EDIT: And if it's got tomatoes in, then don't consider basil to be only for Italian cookery (the final piece of the puzzle I needed!).

Edited by v22TTC
Forgot basil - for shame!
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hmmmm Jaffa Cakes..... I agree on the gotta get the originals and even they aren't as good as they were 10 years ago.....(damn lousy do gooders telling us additives and e numbers are no good grrrrrr it's my body let me put what the hell I want in it)

also with curries always toast the spices in the oven first....and even better than Coconut milk is Jaggahri.. a palm sugar extract.. living in the heart of an asian community does have it's advantages .....the disadvantages being one of my classmates was the ing leader ofthe london bombers..yikes.....

errr Oh yeah there were some minis on this thread.... errr ok not something I would stamp my feet about..

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Is this the same playtest manual they've had for about 4-5 years now?

I do like Crocodile's minis, but since I'm a gamer first and painter/collector second the fact that their minis don't have an actual game attached does little for me. (Olympus, not Aegyptus).

It's hot here so I'm being difficult. ;)

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Is it possible to buy these still? I NEED bubbles! I must have bubbles. I'll buy several! She would sit in great with a bathing nymph scene I'm collecting minis for!

They just put her up on the Crocodile Games site - you can get the whole set or just the sprue with her and the duck!

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