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Hasslefree Miniatures: February Releases


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Hasslefree miniatures has announced its new releases for February (under the wire :P )



Armed with a chainsaw, this courageous young lad looks as if he will tackle anything life throws at him ( providing his chainsaw works of course!)



Armed with a nice hammer, this lovely oldish dwarf has been named after a member of the Forum of Doom.

Princess Jen


Meet daughter #1 in her favourite role....as a princess ..... after all what 9 year old girl doesnt want to be a princess?

Armed with a ninja-to, she may look as if butter wouldnt melt in her mouth but dont be fooled!

Mystic Warrior Kieran


The eldest boy (water sign) stuck in the middle of two fire sign sisters.............he needs to be able to hold his own in a fight (although they dont usually play fair!). "Come and get me if you think you are hard enough" he says keeping a tight grip on his ninja-to.



Meet our youngest daughter in an action pose fighting baddies with her nice sharp ninja-to.

She may be short and very sweet but that blade is mighty sharp!



Mystic warrior / Space pirate Luke

The first rendition of child # 4 a little bit more grown up than his current age of 6 months!

Armed with a pair of ninja-to he has been sculpted in a jumping pose.

Vile Vek


Looking for a devilish dictator / evil professor type?

The name is an anagram of a certain short sculptor ( wonder who? )and was sculpted by Mark for the Fu-uk Asylum competition

I think he needs a little companion..........maybe a mini Kev (no, Not KIEV....that is a chicken dish not an Essex sculptor!)



A nicely detailed generic zombie by Mark Craggs
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