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Top 25 Sci-fi movies/TV shows


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Speaking of shows killed before their time - Dresden Files. They seriously screwed that one before it could get into the really fun stuff.

Dead Like Me was another one that just should have gone on. Granted, it got two seasons, but still .. a third, come on!

Carnival was another good one. Didn't see as much of it as I would have liked and seemed seriously messed up, but I liked the premise of it.

Another one out there that I can't remember for the life of me, but basically the guy was a cop who killed his wifes rapist and then was killed himself and ended up in Hell for his sins. Fast forward ten years and there was a major break out of hell and all these nasty nasty demons and souls got out. In comes the Devil and he brings this cop out of hell and offers him a chance at salvation, he just has to go track down all these lost souls.

Damn good show. They've got something really funky kiddo out now called Reaper that is sort of like the premise of it, but its absolutely crap. Funny enough, it'll probably stick around for awhile.

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Another one out there that I can't remember for the life of me, but basically the guy was a cop who killed his wifes rapist and then was killed himself and ended up in Hell for his sins. Fast forward ten years and there was a major break out of hell and all these nasty nasty demons and souls got out. In comes the Devil and he brings this cop out of hell and offers him a chance at salvation, he just has to go track down all these lost souls.

Sounds like Brimstone. Imdb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165564/

Never actually saw it, but I heard about it.

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What were the holes in the first Matrix (the one I was talking about)? Meaning what was wrong and contradicitive?

Grrr! I had typed in a long reply to this and then the computer went down... So, in short.... There may not be any huge holes in the story, but they get away with things that are either a bit silly or a bit ill-conceived because of "the matrix" and a sense of "anything goes" where the matrix is concerned.

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I hear ya FF - the great tragedy of SF and fantasy TV is that it doesn't get to last long enough to get really good. Hubby and I are still bummed about Dresden Files, and I liked Dead Like Me a lot. A couple of years ago we were both really getting into a show called Haunted that only made it to around ep 6 before being axed. It was based around a cop who'd had a near death experience and started to be able to see ghosts, but not nearly so goofy as it sounds, very eerie and creepy vibe to some of the shows. Witchblade had some potential, too, but its demise may have had more to do with the lead crashing and burning than the network pulling the plug. The Others about a sort of team of psychic investigators with different powers (organized by a nerdy guy who didn't have any at all) was another I was just getting into when they pulled it.

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Carnivale started off wonderfully...so filled with bizarre characters and the overriding 'good vs. evil'...but it was a bit weak near the end. It finished strong, but had some plot holes. Still, very atmospheric and 'pulpy'. I was watching it during my HP Lovecraft phase and it seemed to fit in very well to that whole genre.

Netflix it!

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Yeah, yeah, yeah... but it really happened. Johanna got an MMS which she can't receive on her phone so she wanted to look at it on the Internet and it caused the computer to lock itself completely. Couldn't even restart it or turn it off from Windows.

But, let's save this discussion for some other time when we can talk more animated. I sense it will be a heated discussion! ;)


Carnivale is great! I got both seasons on DVD for Christmas. I saw it a while ago on some crappy DivX files with no Swedish subtitles so it is great watching it again and being able to catch all that is said. I think maybe the start of season 2 is a bit weak, but the second half is great! And the first season is excellent!

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